OWEA-W3C Next Steps

Hi, Folks-

The W3C Team has been busy the past few months, and haven't had the time 
to devote to OWEA and the WebCraft initiative that we would have liked, 
but the topic has had increased interest within the W3C Team and 
management lately.

We are very interested in next steps, and how we can move ahead.  We 
were not able to fund a full-time staff member (aka 1 FTE) to commit to 
this, but we can commit to a few things that we hope will help:

1) We will help, however we are able, to find external funding for this, 
in the form of grant applications and other means, and if funding is 
found, to take on the work in a more serious way;

2) We are willing to put the W3C name on funding proposals or outreach 
activities, wherever it will help;

3) We would like to host the existing curriculum materials, with your 
permission, and to integrate them wherever possible with our site in the 
form of links, tutorials, and so forth.

Does this sound reasonable to you as first steps?  Are there other ways 
in which W3C can help with the WebCraft Curriculum effort?

We would also like to hear from you where your priorities lie, and what 
next steps you would like to engage in.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, WebApps, and Web Events WGs

Received on Friday, 3 December 2010 08:56:02 UTC