[Web Standards Project] Re: OWEA Conference Call - Thursday, September 17 21:00 GMT

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Company: OWEA
Project: Open Web Education Alliance
Link: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/C45427754

Doug Schepers commented on a message:

   Hi, folks-

   Here are the minutes for the telcon:


   Open Web Education Alliance Incubator Group Teleconference

   17 Sep 2009

   See also: [2]IRC log

   [2] http://www.w3.org/2009/09/17-owea-irc


   Present +1.309.360.aaaa, +1.309.360.aabb, Shepazu,
   +1.404.260.aacc, +1.503.288.aadd, itpastorn, +0161652aaee,
   sniffles, +1.503.288.aaff, +1.512.963.aagg, gsims,
   +1.415.832.aahh, chrisdavidmills

   Regrets Chair Steph Troeth

   Scribe gsims


     * [3]Topics 1. [4]White Paper Status 2. [5]Course Content and
       Policy * [6]Summary of Action Items

   Date: 17 September 2009

   Skype 2.1 beta did not work well for me. back on 2.0 for Linux.
   Hoping it will work OK.

   Lars Gunther is P4

   Ok, I'm here too ;-)

   me too- sorry to be late :0


   This is about the 3rd time I've ever used IRC - it feels like a
   white-knuckle ride....kinda ;-)

   yup, 0161...it's the code for Manchester UK

   ScribeNick: gsims

   chair: Steph Troeh

   White Paper Status

   sniffles: Thank you for everyone for a wonderful job on this
   first draft!!! ... Doug, do you have a deadline for when we
   should have the next draft of the white paper?

   doug: We need to flesh out the business plan questions if
   possible before the retreat. No hard deadline, but if we could
   have some info, that would be good. ... management retreat is
   Sept 27-29

   gsims: suggest that we need to clarify the vision and strategic
   initiatives first. then we can work on the business plan. i
   propose we not attempt to do the business plan in the next 2

   doug: what w3m would find valuable is some general answers to
   how OWEA would fit into W3C. See questions posted on 9/15/2009.

   ACTION: gsims respond to mauro's questions via email [recorded
   in [7]http://www.w3.org/2009/09/17-owea-minutes.html#action01]

   Created ACTION-12 - Respond to mauro's questions via email [on
   Glenda Sims - due 2009-09-24].

   ACTION: gsims set up telcon with Mauro, John, Doug [recorded in

   Created ACTION-13 - Set up telcon with Mauro, John, Doug [on
   Glenda Sims - due 2009-09-24].

   mark: important to know the audience and their questions when
   writing this white paper

   doug: web science will mean WSRI and advanced degree

   chrisdavidmills: prefer School of Web over Web Science

   or "web design and development"

   ACTION: shepazu to identify particular interests of various
   decision makers [recorded in

   Created ACTION-14 - Identify particular interests of various
   decision makers [on Doug Schepers - due 2009-09-24].

   steph: it would be nice to know a timeline for when we need to
   have a final white paper

   doug: w3m meets every week...so the timing has to do with how
   quickly OWEA can/wants to move ... consider academic year timing

   mark: I suggest we proceed cautiously. we only get to do this
   once. ... suggest that using OWEA is more incompassing than
   interact ... case in point, we may need to include Adobe ... we
   could use interact as a starting point, but it doesn't include
   all the players

   steph: interact is a living thing...it is not fixed

   Course Content and Policy

   steph: interact is the framework

   chrisdavidmills: same with WSC ... from a marketing standpoint,
   InterAct is more marketable than OWEA ... but we shouldn't just
   use InterAct as the face of the curriculum ... Open Web
   Curriculum: InterAct

   it was recorded, so we can rewind later :-)

   (we don't need to use the term "OWEA" when we come to w3c..
   there are plenty of better names we could develop)

   itpastorn: core content under OWEA brand

   FYI: Ben owns a branding company...might be able to get some
   "muscle" for naming, identity, positioning, manifesto
   development, etc. when time is right

   it's worth noting that W3C is a Consortium of industry players,
   as well as a sort of "public service"

   itpastorn: additional content could be under InterAct

   sniffles: InterAct framework was designed for all of this

   chrisdavidmills: the InterAct framework is well fit for this. we
   can keep it on the interact site for now. and we can move it
   later if we need to

   virginia: in my mind, InterAct is the educational arm of this


   virginia: and owea the business alliance, contacts, industry
   connections (a business unit)

   sniffles: interact is the flag and owea is the arm waving it

   gsims: interact is the curriculum. outreach would fit under
   business unit

   (ben_friedman, good to note :) )

   dave: (speaking from his higher ed teaching experience) make it
   super simple for faculty to adopt

   slide decks, demos...

   dave: important to have well defined curriculum that is easy to

   chrisdavidmills: I agree with you

   mark: i agree wholeheartedly. we need to be aware we are
   presenting this at more than one level: hs, community college,

   sniffles: hard to know what goes in what level. so we are laying
   out the pieces. then we can have teachers help us share their
   lesson plans...that then becomes a resource to the next person.

   gsims: interact as the framework: course / competencies ... then
   use creative commons as a place for any instructor to share

   chrisdavidmills: there will always be people who want you to add
   more to it...to the point that they want you to come teach it
   for them.

   ACTION: gsims share ideas with aarronw about need for levels
   (hs, cc, uni) and perhaps a creativecommons solution for now
   [recorded in

   Created ACTION-15 - Share ideas with aarronw about need for
   levels (hs, cc, uni) and perhaps a creativecommons solution for
   now [on Glenda Sims - due 2009-09-24].

   steph: InterAct: Open Web Curriculum Framework

   chrisdavidmills: do we need the word "open"?

   Web Curriculum Framework ++

   InterAct: Web Curriculum Framework

   Bear Web Curriculum? Bare Web Curriculum?

   Open Beer Curriculum

   "open web" is soooooooo 2009, anyway

   or the UK version - Warm Beer Curriculum

   ACTION: gsims create a discussion page for naming the curriculum
   effort (InterAct: Web Curriculum Framework) [recorded in

   Created ACTION-16 - Create a discussion page for naming the
   curriculum effort (InterAct: Web Curriculum Framework) [on
   Glenda Sims - due 2009-09-24].


   Dang. We'll miss you.

   steph: she needs to step back from OWEA and have a sabbatical

   hip hip

   hooray (for steph)

   you will be missed. you brought a solid business perspective to
   our group

   I hope steph will recharge her batteries and be back soon


   have fun, steph! :D



   steph wears size 46 shoes

   chairing shoes, that is

   thanks everyone :)

   wednesday is good for me

   ACTION: gsims reschedule regular meetings for wednesdays (every
   other) [recorded in

   Created ACTION-17 - Reschedule regular meetings for wednesdays
   (every other) [on Glenda Sims - due 2009-09-24].

   trackbot, end telcon

   Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: gsims create a discussion page for naming the
   curriculum effort (InterAct: Web Curriculum Framework) [recorded
   in [13]http://www.w3.org/2009/09/17-owea-minutes.html#action05]
   [NEW] ACTION: gsims reschedule regular meetings for wednesdays
   (every other) [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: gsims respond to mauro's questions via email
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: gsims set up telcon with Mauro, John, Doug
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: gsims share ideas with aarronw about need for
   levels (hs, cc, uni) and perhaps a creativecommons solution for
   now [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: shepazu to identify particular interests of
   various decision makers [recorded in

   [End of minutes]


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Received on Thursday, 17 September 2009 22:15:13 UTC