Re: [Web Standards Project] Re: Organizational White Paper draft

Aaron Gustafson wrote:
> Tom ... If you read about everything that we've been doing (see the 
> wiki), you'll realize this is only one small, but necessary facet of
> our work. ...

My problem, as an outsider, is that all I can see on the web site is 
material about meetings. This is making it difficult to find the 
important stuff, about how you propose organize to educate Web 

Perhaps it is unreasonable to expect someone who did not attend all the 
meetings to understand what is going on. But if you want people who 
educate web professionals (such as myself) to help implement whatever it 
is you are proposing, then you are going to have to explain what it is.

ps: To get an idea of my needs as an educator, see:

* Teaching Web Accessibility at an Australian University: 
* Mentored and Collaborative e-Learning for Postgraduate Professional 
Education: <>
* The World Wide Web: For Networked Information Systems 

Tom Worthington FACS HLM, TomW Communications Pty Ltd. t: 0419496150
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617, Australia
Adjunct Lecturer, The Australian National University t: 02 61255694
Computer Science

Received on Tuesday, 1 September 2009 00:17:15 UTC