Re: OMM-XG and Device APIs-WG

Hi Alexander,

sorry for taking a little while to respond, but OMM is a new topic to me (and I suspect to most in the DAP WG) and some reading and pondering is necessary to get to grips with it.

On Sep 12, 2011, at 13:35 , Alexander Kröner wrote:
> * Would it make sense to (re-)design the OM API according to guidelines of the Device API WG, and -potentially- to integrate the OM API?

I looked around in the wiki and the specification but I could find no mention of an API. Given that, it is difficult to answer that question :)

As of today we have no written-down guidelines, but given an API we'd be happy to review it and provide feedback.

> An object memory is meant to...
> collecting data about a physical artifact (at the artifact and/or in the Web)
> ....and to improve this way documentation and communication in artifact-driven processes.
> As such, the XG members consider an object memory to be a feature of a "smart" artifact. Communication with the OMM is supported by an API (OM API, reference implementation in progress). Thus, a particular question to members of the Device APIs Working Group would be if the XG's assumption valid at all, and how to approach this topic.

What would be most helpful to us in order to review OMM would be examples of arbitrary web pages accessing the OM API in Javascript and doing something useful with it (it doesn't have to be fully-functional, but it helps if it should give a concrete idea). For instance, assuming I've understood the use cases:

    • It's Saturday morning and I'm in a dreadful mood because my coffee machine is giving me terrible coffee. I know I need to descale it but I don't know how and the manual is in one of the boxes labeled "Misc." that have been sitting unopened on the top shelf of my cupboard since I moved here five years ago. So I grab my phone and... ?

    • I'm an engineer looking for microfissures on an aeroplane and I see a pattern emerge that might indicate improper screwing. I want to review the torque applied to the seventeen screws in this area over the past three years of maintenance. So I grab my tablet and... ?

Some high-level explanations would help as well. What is an artefact-driven process (I only found that seemed to be related)? The wiki speaks of "DPM" a lot, notably in the use cases, but I have no idea what that is which makes the use cases quite cryptic to read.

I am sorry if this reply is less helpful than you would likely have wished, but I'm trying to establish the means for communication :) I'm mostly a web hacker with just enough Javascript to be dangerous and no useful computer science, business processing modelling, etc. background. That description applies in varying degrees to other participants. So the more concrete and Javascriptish, the more likely we are to understand and provide useful feedback!

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 14 September 2011 09:40:22 UTC