CfP: 7th Workshop of the Multimedia Metadata Community at I-MEDIA 2007

Dear Members,

Please find enclosed a call for the

7th Workshop of the Multimedia Metadata Community at I-MEDIA 2007 
(Sept. 5-7, 2007, Graz, Austria)

We would very much appreciate a contribution from you for this event.

If you think this would be appropriate, please distribute the call to 
your colleagues.



Workshop on

Multimedia Metadata Applications (M3A)
7th Workshop of the Multimedia Metadata Community at I-MEDIA 2007 (Sept. 5-7, 2007, Graz, Austria)

Different multimedia metadata description standards have been proposed in the recent years, for example MPEG-7 and MPEG-21, as well as a number of formats and standards tailored to specific application domains (e.g. broadcasting). In addition, the application of Semantic Web technologies to multimedia content has brought forward the use of formats such as RDF for the description of multimedia content.

The overall objective of the workshop is to investigate how these formats and standards for multimedia metadata are used in real-world applications. We concentrate on the applications based on MPEG-7 and MPEG-21, but also contributions related to other multimedia metadata description standards/formats are welcome, especially those integrating semantic information. As many of these standards are relatively new, the lessons learned from using them in real applications can provide valuable feedback for their future development. The integration of these technologies within systems and the interoperability with other (legacy) metadata formats are also relevant topics.

The workshop will take place on September 5-6, 2007 (preliminary date), in context of I-MEDIA, the 1st International Conference on New Media Technology ( at the Stadthalle in Graz, Austria.
This is the 7th Workshop of the Multimedia Metadata Community ( We want to extend this very active and successful community with new members.

In addition to presentation sessions, there will be a demonstration session at the workshop that allows presenting prototype applications or products based on multimedia metadata standards to a larger audience. Demonstrations can be proposed by submitting a short paper describing the proposal. At the demo session space for a displaying a poster related to the demo will be available.

The most outstanding contribution to the workshop will receive a Best Paper Award, sponsored by the K-Space Network of Excellence ( 

Topics of the workshop are listed here but not limited to

- Multimedia Semantics
- Multimedia Metadata
- Metadata Crosswalks
- Metadata Interoperability
- Metadata Modelling
- Metadata based Web Services
- Multimedia Web Applications
- Multimedia Authoring
- Management of Multimedia Metadata (Relational and XML Databases, Semantic Stores, etc.)
- Multimedia Retrieval
- Multimedia Adaptation
- Personalizing Multimedia Content
- Cross-media Clustering
- Mobile Multimedia

Important Dates

May, 21, 2007 Paper submission
June, 6, 2007 Notification of Authors
June, 25, 2007 Final papers

Submission & Contact

Submissions must be in English. All submissions will be reviewed for relevance, originality, significance, soundness and clarity by three reviewers. The page limit is 8 pages for full papers, 2 pages for short papers describing demo proposals. A style guide for submissions can be found at

To submit a paper please use the Chairhelper online submission system for the Workshop (the URL will be announced soon at and Further questions regarding the workshop and the submission should be directed to:

Workshop Chairs

Peter Schallauer, Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria 
Werner Bailer, Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria 
Harald Kosch, University of Passau, Germany
Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Michael Granitzer, Know Center, Graz, Austria

Program Committee (preliminary):

Susanne Boll, University of Oldenburg, Germany 
Lionel Brunie, INSA de Lyon, France 
Yiwei Cao, RWTH Aachen University, Germany 
Vincent Charvillat, ENSEEIHT, France 
Richard Chbeir, LE2I Laboratory (UMR - CNRS) - Bourgogne University, France 
Stamatia Dasiopoulou, ITI Thessaloniki, Greece
Mario Doeller, Passau University, Germany 
Victor Manuel Garcia-Barrios, University of Technology Graz, Austria 
Christian Gütl, University of Technology Graz, Austria 
Martin Haller, TU Berlin, Germany
Michael Hausenblas, Joanneum Research, Austria
Werner Klieber, Know-Center Graz, Austria 
Klaus Leopold, Klagenfurt University, Austria 
Mathias Lux, Klagenfurt University, Austria 
Vincent Oria, NJIT, USA 
Vedran Sabol, Know-Center Graz, Austria 
Ansgar Scherp, UC Irvine, CA, USA
Marc Spaniol, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany 
Peter Stanchev, Kettering University, USA
Georg Thallinger, Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria 
Raphaël Troncy, CWI, The Netherlands
Christian Timmerer, Klagenfurt University, Austria 
Martin Wolpers, KU Leuven, Belgium

Received on Tuesday, 27 March 2007 08:21:41 UTC