RE: Towards a TAG consideration of CURIEs

> From: John Cowan [] 
> Booth, David (HP Software - Boston) scripsit:
> > Would it be feasible to mandate a particular prefix as part of all
> > taxonomy IDs, such as "code:"?  For example:
> Or for that matter just "_".  I *never* understood why that was
> such a problem.

The reason I was thinking that something like "code:" might be more
acceptable than "_" is that it is more visible and (at least for English
readers) may be more distinguishable from the original code, though a
machine of course would not care.  Also, I was not sure whether the
proposed "_" prefix was only going to apply to numeric codes, and I
thought a prefix might be more palatable if it were uniformly mandated
for all, so that different taxonomies would not require different

David Booth, Ph.D.
HP Software
+1 617 629 8881 office  | 

Received on Friday, 13 April 2007 13:30:25 UTC