Re: Introducing all XG members

Dear members of the MMSEM XG, 

I am a PhD student in the working group of Prof. Steffen Staab [1].
Our group participates in three EU funded research projects (AceMedia, 
K-Space, X-Media) that deal with various issues of managing and utilizing 
multimedia content. On behalf of our group consisting of experts in different 
multimedia-related fields, I am coordinating and mediating between multimedia 
related contributions from our group and external developments such as the XG 
Multimedia Semantics.

Best regards,

On Tuesday 16 May 2006 10:32, Raphaël Troncy wrote:
> Dear members of the MMSEM XG,
> Jeff and me will have the great pleasure to chair the W3C Multimedia
> Semantics Incubator Group. The MMSEM XG will have a face-to-face
> kick-off meeting during the forthcoming WWW conference
> ( next week in Edinburgh. We will announce more news
> about that soon.
> For now, we would like that each member of the MMSEM XG introduce
> himself, stating what is his background and his interest in this group.
> I am Raphaël Troncy and I'm working with the "Semantic Media
> Interefaces" team of the CWI, the Dutch national research center on
> computer science and mathematics, Amsterdam. I have a background in
> document engineering and Semantic Web
> and I have tried to reconcile these two worlds for describing and
> retrieving audio-visual content during my PhD Thesis. I'm one of the
> editor of the "Image Annotation on the Semantic Web" note [1] produced
> by the "Multimedia and Semantic Web" task force [2] of the SWVBD group
> [3].
> And since we should all in this group produce many RDF data for
> annotating multimedia material, I'm better to start.
> <rdf:RDF
>          xmlns:dc=""
>          xmlns:rdf=""
>          xmlns:foaf=""
> xmlns:geo="">
>   <rdf:Description
> rdf:about=""/>
>     <dc:title>Raphael Troncy Portrait</dc:title>
>     <foaf:based_near>
>       <geo:Point>
>         <geo:lat>52.356554</geo:lat>
>         <geo:long>4.953809</geo:long>
>       </geo:Point>
>     </foaf:based_near>
>   </rdf:Description>
> </rdf:RDF>
> Sincerely.
>     Jeff Z. Pan and Raphaël Troncy
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> Raphaël Troncy
> CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science),
> Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
> e-mail: &
> Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093
> Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312
> Web:

Thomas Franz
Phone: +49 261 287-2862

ISWeb, University of Koblenz

Received on Wednesday, 17 May 2006 13:57:45 UTC