Re: "Foster a discussion about Open Data and rights"

On Sun, Sep 04, 2011 at 07:58:34AM -0700, Karen Coyle wrote:
> Rights owners must be informed about the impact rights restrictions
> on metadata use in order to make appropriate decisions for their own
> metadata.

Okay, though focusing on metadata makes the point a bit more specific than
"Foster a discussion about Open Data and rights" - the UK guidelines cited [2]
refer to data, even if "bibliographic" data is the focus of that particular

How about [1]:

    In defining rights for data, rights owners must consider the impact of
    usage restrictions, as complex restrictions only complicate the re-use
    of data in a Linked Data environment.  It makes sense to seek agreement about
    rights and licensing at the level of library consortia or even on a
    national or international scale. (For an example, see the
    [ Rights and Licensing] section
    of the [ Open Bibliographic Data Guide] for UK
    higher-education libraries.)

I'm also wondering whether "Rights in Licensing" should be in quotes, and 
uppercase (as in the original), with "Open Bibliographic Data Guide" (a "book"
title) in italics...?



Received on Sunday, 4 September 2011 17:08:03 UTC