LLD XG editorial telecon - report

Dear all,

Jodi, Peter, and I had a short and informal call at 10:00 EST today.

Jodi has finished her edits and passed the token to me.  I made some edits as
per Gordon's suggestions re: references to MARC and RDA (see previous message)
and tweaked references to "DCMI Metadata Terms" and "Dublin Core" for
consistency.  I reworded 5.1.1 for clarity, adding a historical reference to
RDF Schema. It now reads:

    5.1.1 Dublin Core and DCMI Metadata Terms

    The original properties of the Dublin Core Metadata Element -- fifteen
    generic property elements for describing information resources -- are
    defined using the namespace http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/. Declared as
    RDF properties in 2000 -- before the finalization of the RDF Vocabulary
    Description Language (RDF Schema) in 2004 -- these properties lack defined
    ranges (rdfs:range), allowing them to be used both with literal values or
    fully-fledged RDF resources.

    A second namespace in the larger set of DCMI Metadata Terms --
    http://purl.org/dc/terms/ -- includes fifteen properties in parallel to the
    "unrestricted" /elements/1.1/ properties, with added rdfs:range
    restrictions, plus several dozen additional properties. Interoperability of
    the "restricted" /terms/ properties with the "unrestricted" /element/1.1/
    properties is preserved with sub-property relationships

I see a number of problems with the formatting of "A HREF" references
(see also my previous message).

As agreed on the call, I am now handing the editorial control to Peter.

On the call, we felt that it still seems doable to use next Thursday's call (13
October) to meet one last time and sign off on publication.  This assumes that
each of us spends some time over the coming week checking the links and
formatting of the files once Peter has installed them.  I will discuss the
target date for publication with Antoine, Emmanuelle, and the W3C Team.


Tom Baker <tom@tombaker.org>

Received on Thursday, 6 October 2011 16:45:13 UTC