Draft report blog and digress.it -- up in the air!

Hi fellow LLDers,

Exploring around, I have seen that the UKOLN blogs are working again. And ours has been provided with the digress.it plug-in!
See http://blogs.ukoln.ac.uk/w3clld/

Unfortunately (and it was quite expect) it seemed to not fit nicely the previous structure I had created. Especially, the break-down of long sections (e.g. "implementation challenges") into sub-section worthless: these appears on the same level as the normal sections, which is quite confusing.

So I re-organized it a bit. I've tried to alleviate the fact that 2 sections are very long, by providing intro to them with pointers to the different sub-sections:

I'm afraid I won't have time to do better before I send some calls--these becomes really urgent.

So you're welcome to jump in and make some changes, or suggest them to us if you're not admin. But be careful, if we do changes we need to do them before the first comments! As the digress.it help puts it, "You can edit your document text, but because Digress.it maps reader comments to specific paragraphs, any change to the structure of the document (by adding or removing paragraphs, for example) may cause readers’ comments to become misaligned."


Received on Monday, 27 June 2011 21:45:08 UTC