Re: AW: (regrets and

On Jun 22, 2011, at 9:48 AM, William Waites wrote:
> * [2011-06-22 07:37:47 -0400] Peter Murray <> écrit:
> ] if there is a point to be made about how RDFa requires the XML 
> ] serialization of HTML5 while Microdata can be done in the less restrictive
> ] HTML encoding (as well as the XML serialization). 
> Good point, correct in principle but not sure how true this is in
> practice. As long as it isn't horrifically ill-formed I think you can
> manage to get RDFa into and out of non-XML HTML5. In other words I
> think it fails gracefully and works in practice.

I think I'm mostly in agreement, but what tripped me up at first view of was the boolean attributes (  It can be worked around, but it requires some forethought.

Peter Murray        tel:+1-678-235-2955                 
Ass't Director, Technology Services Development
LYRASIS   --    Great Libraries. Strong Communities. Innovative Answers.
The Disruptive Library Technology Jester       

Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2011 14:15:57 UTC