Re: Late comments on blog

OK, that sounds alright!
Let's forget about these comments then :-)


> We modified the section on rights issues based on Adrian's comments. he was assuming that by "rights" we meant "copyright", which is not the case. The opening sentence now reads:
> "Some library data has restricted usage based on local policies, contracts and conditions, and cannot therefore be published openly."
> for example, libraries purchase bibliographic data from their book vendors, and are not allowed to share that data.
> This was his comment on para. 40 on the wiki.
> Some of his other comments go to sections that have been removed:
> sec. #26, #22
> The remaining comments are about differentiating between linked data and open data. Tom added a statement about Open Data in the scope section. Do we think more needs to be done?
> As far as I can tell, Johann's comments were all on sections that have since been removed. (Maybe this shortens the time of the call by a few minutes :-))
> kc
> Quoting Antoine Isaac <>:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'd like to raise the attention of the editors of the "issues" and "recommendations" parts on last-minute comments that could be relevant.
>> - 5 last comments from Adrian Pohl (at the top of the list at )
>> - 3 comments from Johan Oomen
>> They look like they can be addressed quite quickly. Perhaps they even don't apply anymore, as a result of the drastic changes in these parts of the report. But maybe that's worth a quick check!
>> Cheers,
>> Antoine

Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 08:21:13 UTC