SWIB10 Conference in Cologne, 29./30. Nov.

The program of the SWIB10 - Semantic Web in Libraries - Conference is
online now at http://swib.org/swib10 (in German, see below the
invitation in English).

As discussed in the telecons, there will be a meeting of XG members -
would be nice to meet you when you are there, so please join the doodle
poll at http://www.doodle.com/tdxwapytnxrsm4tm. 

Cheers, Joachim

After the great success of the SWIB09 conference (http://swib09.de), the
North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz) and the German
National Library of Economics - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
(ZBW) will organise another conference discussing "Semantic Web in
Libraries" in 2010.

- Date: 29 and 30 November 2010 
- Place: KOMED, Cologne Mediapark
- Program: http://swib.org/swib10
- Conference fee: EUR 30.00

On the first day, papers will examine the strategic and political
significance of the Semantic Web for libraries. Open Data and the legal
questions regarding publication and reuse of data on the Semantic Web
will be also be addressed. On the second day, Karen Coyle will give the
keynote address, followed by presentations of active Linked Data
projects in libraries and other institutions, where the focus is on the
"How?" rather than the "Why?".

The conference language is German, with a few talks in English.


Please fill out the registration form (pdf
http://swib.org/swib10/anmeldungsformular.pdf) or (doc
http://swib.org/swib10/anmeldungsformular.docx) and either mail to
swib(at)hbz-nrw.de or fax to +49-221-40075180.

Additional Information:

Twitter Hashtag: #swib10

Questions? Please ask:

Anette Seiler
Tel. +49-(0)221-40075196
E-Mail: swib(at)hbz-nrw.de


Joachim Neubert
Tel. +49-(0)40-42834462
E-Mail: j.neubert(at) zbw.eu


Received on Friday, 13 August 2010 11:25:14 UTC