[f2f] minutes 4 November 2011


The minutes from our second day are at http://www.w3.org/2011/11/04-htmlspeech-minutes.html.

For convenience, I have pasted a text version below.

-- dan


            HTML Speech Incubator Group Face to Face day 2

04 Nov 2011

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2011/11/04-htmlspeech-irc


          DanB, Michael, Glen, Matt, Robert, Patrick, Avery, Nagesh,
          Debbie, Bertha, Milan, Rahul, DanD


          Dan_Burnett, Michael_Bodell

          avery, Matt


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Architecture picture
         2. [5]Requirements
         3. [6]Design Decisions
         4. [7]Revisit the picture from Dan
         5. [8]Planning
         6. [9]Finishing the Incubator Group
     * [10]Summary of Action Items

   <matt> scribe:avery

   Protocol issue 1: Minor typo.

   Milan: What does the speechinputresult look like when the null event
   ... question the usefulness of having result at all.

   robert: It should be undefined, meaning it's null.

   mbodell: We've discussed this before and agreed to have it this way
   so let's not change.
   ... discussion about what to null out in this case.

   Milan: e.g. can you null out the third if there's a fourth?

   mbodell: yes,
   ... More discussion about what to do in this case.

   robert: Maybe a new event.

   Mbodell: Maybe this should be a new event, when there's an empty

   Burn: Clarify this is at protocol level or API level

   mbodell: API level

   Robert: There should be a new event with the compressed
   resultHistory array.

   avery: what should we call this new event?

   Burn: Requested that Mbodell clean up this issue about whether we
   need a new event for the empty message case (nulling out previous
   candidate reco).

   Robert: This is not Protocol issue 1 itself, but is a result of it.

   Milan: Maybe we need something like "reorder'" rather than "delete"
   for the new event.

   Robert: In the future we could develop a new pattern and call it
   resulthistoryupdated event. It could be a can of worms because we
   would fire that for every reco.

   <scribe> ACTION: mbodell to create the new event for this case. See
   discussion above for details. [recorded in

   <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - mbodell

   <matt> trackbot, list users

   <trackbot> Sorry, matt, I don't understand 'trackbot, list users'.
   Please refer to [12]http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help

     [12] http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc

   <matt> trackbot, status

   <matt> ACTION: Michael to create the new event for this case. See
   discussion above for details. [recorded in

   <trackbot> Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) -

   <trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or
   username (eg. mbodell2, mjohnsto)

   <matt> ACTION: mbodell2 to create the new event for this case. See
   discussion above for details. [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-5 - Create the new event for this case.
   See discussion above for details. [on Michael Bodell - due

   Milan: I'd like Robert's example updated, especially to know how to
   use the waveform API.

   Dand: We should move on to requirements.

   Break time.

   <mbodell> scribenick: mbodell

Architecture picture

   Dand: Need something simple to show how the API + Protocol + web
   server + UA all fit together

   <smaug> which diagram?

   <smaug> mbodell: could you post a link?

   Robert: Should have builtin and proxy as on the same level

   Milan: but builtin can point to proxy

   mbodell: really 2 different orhtogonal ideas: Use UA default or
   author specified; either of which could be on the same device or in
   the cloud

   Glen: I disagree with TTS+ASR being specified in one thing as par t
   of remote speech service, I think they are different

   Dand: Yeah too much detail, I'll just taqke out TTS + ASR and leave
   it at Remote Speech Service

   Dan: Could put Audio Capture API as peer of WEB API
   ... Default is a better word than builtin
   ... [audio capture APIs] -> [Web API]
   ... / |
   ... [default] [Author Selected]
   ... | X |
   ... [Local] [Remote]

   Robert: But the default could actually be a hybrid of both local and

   Matt: What is the purpose of the drawing?
   ... Can we start simple and then go to more complex?

   Milan: I like Dan's drawing

   Mbodell: Where does the protocol come in?

   Dan: As the circle between Author Selected and local and remote

   Glen: What are the dotted lines? Things we don't control?

   Dan: Yeah, and audio capture API and defalut and the arrows to local
   and remote

   <smaug> thanks

   Dan: Change Author Selected to Speech Service Proxy

   Group discusses how to make google not take over all his browsers


   dan: Here are the requirements that the group as a whole started
   working on

   Link to document:

     [15] http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/htmlspeech/finalreport/XGR-htmlspeech.html#requirements

   dan: My suggestion was to take these and include them, perhaps as an

   Robert: My suggestion was to reword requirements in place

   Dan: What about when a requirement becomes two different

   Robert: we could just note it with those

   Milan: Do we even need these, couldn't we just stick with design

   Robert: I think we do because, it is the only paper trail we have to
   the voting we did on prioritization

   Dan: I think I like Roberts plan better

   Robert: Marc went through and did one pass, and then Marc, Milan,
   Robert, Michael and others did one around August

   <scribe> ACTION: Robert to fish out the latest version of that
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-6 - Fish out the latest version of that
   [on Robert Brown - due 2011-11-11].

   Dan: That was just for protocol work
   ... What about for web api?

   MBodell: We originally had Raj on tap for that, but he had family
   issues so then we distributed it to everyone, only Debbie had any so
   there are some from here proposal

   Dan: Anyone concerned about me using that to consolodate, I'm not

   Group: No one has concerns

   Debbie's document

     [17] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Aug/att-0011/ASRPropertiesAPI.html

Design Decisions

   Dan: I think each of the things we talked about in requirements also
   include some design decissions

   Robert: What about something like 74 "Bjorn's email", that is tough
   to tell since Bjorn has sent a lot of email

   Dan: I could just take this out

   Robert: What about linking to email

   Glen: The nice thing about that is you can see the archives and see
   the linking to other threads of discussions, etc.

   <matt> [18]Bjorn's mail for requirement 75

     [18] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011May/0030.html

   Dan: I don't want to go down the path of linking each design
   discssion to an email thread

   Glen: not for every one, but just when appropriate

   Dan: Yeah, when appropriate is fine
   ... There are some new one's at the bottom
   ... These (86+) were ones that we'd talked about in phone calls, but
   had never made it to earlier drafts of the final report

   Mbodell: we did implement these

   dan: I don't think we implemented 89

   mbodell: we did for nomatch, but not for noinput, noinput is an eror

   Milan: Do we have a timeout parameter?

   Mbodell: No, but can use your own JS timer.

   Robert: Should we add noinput as a separate event and not an error

   Milan: I like that, should also add the property

   Glen: How do you define what noinput means? There is always some

   Avery: On speech starting that stops the timing

   Glen: But you as an author can track that with these events

   Milan: But cleaner to do that with a parameter

   MBodell: we don't today have that, but we are discussing that

   Robert: I think we should add it, it is a very common UI

   Glen: I think we could add the parameter, not so sure about the

   Milan: Why not have them?

   Glen: Why not just put the noinput into the nomatch event

   dan: Not sure

   Group: Agreed to add the timeout parameter
   ... Agreed to add timeout event

   Dan: Need someone to add text

   Glen: Why not just define this event as speechstart event hasn't
   happened in a certain length of time

   <glen> and define the timeout this way as well

   <scribe> ACTION: Dan to add it to the spec (mbodell to do it if he
   doesn't) [recorded in

   <trackbot> Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - Dan

   <trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or
   username (eg. dburnett, ddruta)

   <glen> perhaps named speechStartTimeout

   <scribe> ACTION: dan add end to the reco element [recorded in

   <trackbot> Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - dan

   <trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or
   username (eg. dburnett, ddruta)

   <glen> and onnospeech event

   group: Agrees to parameter is speechStartTimeout and event is

   <scribe> ACTION: dburnett to add it to the spec (mbodell to do it if
   he doesn't) [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-7 - Add it to the spec (mbodell to do it
   if he doesn't) [on Daniel Burnett - due 2011-11-11].

   <scribe> ACTION: dburnett add end to the reco element [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-8 - Add end to the reco element [on Daniel
   Burnett - due 2011-11-11].

   <scribe> ACTION: dburnett add the sentence about weights from dd90
   into the spec where we describe weights [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-9 - Add the sentence about weights from
   dd90 into the spec where we describe weights [on Daniel Burnett -
   due 2011-11-11].

   dan: I think we are done with that

Revisit the picture from Dan


     [24] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Nov/0049.html

   <matt> [25]DanD's Diagram

     [25] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Nov/0049.html

   mbodell: Can we relabel speech service proxy as author selected
   speech service

   dand: No the arrow from Speech web api to speech service proxy is
   where the author selected is
   ... we could also label the speech web api to default with UA

   <Robert_> I think this is the latest redraft of requirements from
   the protocol group:

     [26] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jul/att-0023/Protocol_requirements_draft_-_RB.htm

   Glen: How about Default Speech and Speech Service with the labels of
   UA selected and user agent

   <smaug> why is default out of scope?

   <smaug> it is not more out of scope than remote speech service

   <Milan> Agreed

   Olli: The remote speech service is out of scope, it is the protocol
   that is in scope

   Milan: Agreed
   ... Didn't agree that default was in scope

   Olli: thinks they are equal, fine if default is out as long as it is
   the same from remote

   Dan: actually the speech service proxy is out of socpe

   mbodell: Yes, we used to have conceptual boxes for protocol and api
   and the boxes were in the scope, but we've moved the stuff to the
   arrows, so now the boxes, except the speech web api are all out of

   Group: Obvious, but the user agent and device are out of scope too,
   but probably so obvious don't need to do it

   mbodell: could invert the dotted lines and dashed lines

   dan: Don't like that

   group waits for mail

   We break for lunch

   <matt> [27]Updated diagram take 2

     [27] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Nov/0051.html

   <matt> Meeting; HTML Speech XG F2F, Day 2

   <Avery> Found a bug in one of the examples in Section 7.1.8

   <Avery> The example is "Hide possible graphical UI related to reco
   element if permission is denied"

   <smaug> Avery: what is the bug?

   <Avery> NOT_AUTHORIZED is outside the comment but should be inside

   <Avery> The first comment in the sample.

   <smaug> indeed

   <Avery> It's a nit but we should fix it.

   <smaug> yup

   <matt> Scribe: Matt


   burn: 2 areas of planning we need to discuss: after the group is
   finished and what the group needs to do to finish.
   ... I would like to see W3C create a new WG to work on this effort.
   ... I don't think there is another group right now that could
   actually productively take this work. The HTML WG is severely
   overloaded. Work can happen in that group, I don't think you
   actually get any additional productive participation than you would
   get from your own WG. No standing teleconference times, or anything.
   ... It's probably good for small features, you can start a thread
   and come to a conclusion in a short amount of time.
   ... WebApps is another consideration, and it seems reasonable, but
   from what I understand WebApps is overloaded and it's charter is in
   two parts, a general part that could include our work, and a very
   specific part saying what they'll do exactly.
   ... They would have to recharter and the work is quite different
   from what they do today.
   ... It could work there, but I think there's a reluctance by the
   group to take on new work.
   ... Anyway, I think having our own WG is the best way to be able to
   start relatively quickly, scope the IP discussions enough that
   lawyers won't take forever to let us join the group.
   ... It will also make it easier to get the work exposure.

   Milan: And what about VBWG?

   burn: When this XG started, there was intense interest in it
   explicitly not being in VBWG.
   ... So, I never really considered it.

   mbodell: MMI is another candidate, but they don't seem to have the
   participation we need.

   burn: I don't think it'd be appropriate as the sole goal of the MMI

   glenn: How hard is it to create a WG?

   <Milan> matt: Write a charter

   <Milan> matt: ... which is straightforward

   <Milan> ... submit to w3c management

   <Milan> ... goes to AC for a vote

   <Milan> ... which takes 4-6 weeks

   <smaug> what about protocol? W3C or IETF?

   <Milan> ... minor edits

   <Milan> ... mainly depends if we have agreement in this room

   <Milan> Dan: To address Ollie and Avery's point, yes protocol isn't
   an easy fit with W3C

   <Milan> Matt: What about websockets?

   <Milan> ... probably very little resistance to moving protocol to

   burn: They definitely consider Web Sockets a transport, so it'd be a
   good candidate for IETF.
   ... Working through a charter, we'll have to find if anyone in the
   XG right now wants it to happen at W3C?
   ... That's something we'd have to decide as part of the charter
   ... My initial thought was that we would say that we would work
   together with it at IETF.

   Avery: There's other details about the audio in/out.

   matt: There is a part of a charter that details interdependencies. I
   put VBWG, HTML, AudioWG, WebRTC, WebApps, and others.

   rahul: Web and TV.

   matt: I'll add that too.

   Milan: Google would be amenable to having it be a new WG?

   Glen: I think we'd be interested in it.

   Milan: But Bjorn wanted it in WebApps.

   burn: The big issue was they wanted Web developers participating. If
   that happens, it's good.
   ... Talking around the w3c it seems that whether it's in WebApps or
   not is not significant to decide if that happens.
   ... Not sure Bjorn believes that.
   ... But we should make sure we get Web developers.

   Glenn: We don't want it in a group that bogs down and takes forever.
   ... What I liked about having our own WG is that we can streamline
   the process.
   ... And having our own WG means not having to educate another WG on
   speech again.

   burn: We'd have to educate them, and then convince them that the
   work belongs there. It's not easy.

   dand: And getting them to prioritize the work.

   burn: One of the questions would be are there staffing concerns that
   could affect the creation of the WG?
   ... This isn't something we have to decide, but where would this
   work live, where would the group live?

   matt: We have this domain structure that really just kind of
   reflects our management structure. My gut says that the work would
   end up in the UbiWeb domain alongside the VBWG and Geolocation, etc.

   Glenn: Is this WG a sufficient number of companies?

   burn: It's sufficient but --

   mbodell: We'd certainly rather have more.
   ... The charter also applies to what we can work on, so we can't
   move into other spaces. It's what we bring to lawyers to do patent
   evaluation stuff.

   burn: The more clearly focused the work the better.
   ... I think the work of our XG really informed the focus.

   <smaug> I think Mozilla would participate

   burn: Straw poll, do you think if a WG were to form for this, would
   your company be interested in joining?


   burn: Olli has some of the best input on end user protection, stuff
   we really need.
   ... Matt and I sat after lunch and began hacking on a charter.
   ... Activities after this week, what else?

   Robert_: What's the IETF plan?

   burn: At the last IETF meeting, I spoke to some people there about
   it. I explained what we were doing and what the work was, and gave a
   ... The reason to do that is that at IETF you start with a BOF
   session. Everyone sits around and works on a charter.
   ... Oddly enough those session started as a way to get people
   together to chat, but now in order for them to be a success you have
   to work months in advance to get a charter going and get everyone to
   ... I am willing to help anyone who would like to do that, but I
   would really really appreciate that if this is something you would
   like to see happen that you could find your existing IETF
   representative/s and let them know about this.
   ... I'll speak with them and work together with them.

   mbodell: Those happen at the F2Fs?

   burn: Yes, not the one next week, but the one in March in Paris.
   ... So, now would be the time to talk to someone at your company who
   is going to that and put me in contact with them and we can have
   initial discussions at the meeting.

   Robert_: You've mentioned Bernard yesterday.

   burn: I talked to him at the last meeting, but you should talk to
   him directly.

   Robert_: He's in the building next to us, we should go talk to him.

   mbodell: How does the structure and organization of the IETF compare
   to W3C? I know their wiki page says there are no members of the

   burn: IETF there are no organizations, everyone represents
   ... Largely a meritocracy.
   ... Discussions are primarily on mailing lists. You can do
   everything via email.
   ... Any decisions that are made at F2F's are tentative until
   approved on the mailing list.
   ... IETF meetings tend to just be 2 hours long, and that's all the
   time you get for a week.
   ... Individuals submit "internet drafts" and say "hey, this should
   be a standard"
   ... That is one of the possible ways to get work started.

   Glenn: When are internet drafts submitted? Presumably have authors
   listed with their company affiliations, correct?

   burn: Yes.
   ... Drafts go in -- people tend to participate on their personal
   accounts btw.
   ... There is no membership, anyone can join anything at IETF.

   mbodell: What about IP?

   burn: At every IETF meeting, they present a Note Well document that
   has some standard language that approximately says: Anything you
   contribute by speaking, typing or any information you volunteer then
   IETF owns it unless you disclose otherwise.
   ... It's pretty strongly worded and quite clear.
   ... When people send drafts, like I mentioned, there are still tons
   of internet drafts and people say "let's use this one as a starting
   point" and if there is rough consensus the group adopts it as a WG
   document and it changes from having an individuals name to a WGs
   name and proceeds on spec track.
   ... IETF works on "rough consensus" and "running code". They don't
   like votes.
   ... Maybe you are sitting in the room and your boss is sitting in
   the room with you, and you have differing opinions and are
   uncomfortable raising your hand. People will hum instead.
   ... It's often very clear.
   ... Large amounts on both sides means no consensus. A large amount
   on one side and few on the other means rough consensus.
   ... If people agree and implementations come out, it's a go.
   ... IETF very highly values implementation experience.
   ... I don't plan to do anything in particular right now with the
   ... If someone wants to see it go forward, I am happy to help. If
   you have reps there I am happy to work with them. Voxeo likes this
   work overall, and for me to say "yeah, me too" isn't that hard.
   Right now, I'd be the person doing it, and I don't have enough
   cycles to create it myself.

   Robert_: We'll talk to Bernard Aboba on Tuesday and see if he's

   burn: Google has a number of people involved in IETF, from Google
   Harvald, the co-chair of WebRTC is also at IETF.

   mbodell: I think if we are doing the protocol we should try to kick
   it off at the same time.

   burn: Some of you were talking to Cullen, he's also an IETF guy.

   <Milan> Harald Alvestrand <harald@alvestrand.no>

Finishing the Incubator Group

   burn: Anyone have opinions on teleconferences between now and the
   end of the group.

   mbodell: If we don't take a week off next week, there are 3 weeks
   before the end of November. 10th, 17th, 24th. 24th is Thanksgiving
   ... If we were on a normal schedule, we'd only have the 10th and the
   ... I think we want to finish with the conference on the 17th.

   burn: Yes.

   DanD: In terms of going beyond commitment to this work. Are there
   any plans to prototype what we have here before we go to a WG or

   mbodell: We're not really standardizing anything here.

   DanD: There are solutions already, adapting the solutions is as much
   as changing what you have with or without an intermediary step. If
   we can have a way to start evangelizing the concept, within the
   community in general with a working solution?

   burn: Early on Google said they had implemented the "HTML Speech

   DanD: Not how we defined it though.

   mbodell: It's still not a standard though, so have to be careful to
   say that.

   burn: I can't answer that question.

   Robert_: Undoubtedly we'll have prototypes.

   burn: Part of the Recommendation process is that there are

   mbodell: There are two ways this stuff gets done. From the standards
   POV it gets done later in the standardization process. That said,
   the industry is always innovating and prototyping all the time and
   are free to do so.

   burn: When you issue the CR document it also says it's a call for
   implementations. It doesn't mean that people can't implement before
   that. Once you get to LC you really should be implementing, long
   before CR.

   mbodell: So, the timeline. Call on the 10th and the 17th. Going to
   be a lot of work, but the 17th should be the last call we have.
   ... Hopefully everyone will sign off on it then, or figure out small
   changes over email.

   matt: You can also work not he charter in parallel.

   burn: It's not a deliverable of the XG, so you probably won't see it
   on the list, as that might be inappropriate.
   ... Michael and I have to get all of the changes in before the next
   call on the 10th.

   mbodell: If you submit any changes or examples, it would be really
   good if you could double check and get them as ready as possible. We
   can work this on the list too don't wait until the call.

   burn: Please do work on this now, as mbodell and I will be.
   ... In addition to the report we have to provide a few short
   paragraphs of what we were about and what we did and what we might
   do next.
   ... I'll be working on that, it may go the list or not, maybe a
   version. Depends on timing. Keep in mind that this isn't a document
   that is going to be edited over and over.

   mbodell: If no one objects, two weeks from today we're done. Final
   report and summary are sent out.

   burn: After that, we're done.

   matt: You can leave this ml open for a while, but you can also have
   an ml start up when you get the charter firmed up.

   burn: Sounds good. What should we call it? HTML Speech?

   DanD: When it came to markup, we said no markup, but we say "HTML

   mbodell: We do have speech bindings.

   DanD: When I hear HTML Speech, I think markup.

   burn: It's been argued the other way that HTML 5 is more about the
   JavaScript than the markup.

   mbodell: I think it is the appropriate name, even if it's not
   ... It is part of the HTML ecosystem.

   nagesh: HTML 5 Speech?


   burn: S.peech E.vents E.xtending C.ommon H.tml
   ... I think we are done.
   ... Thank you!

   <mbodell> Mbodell: S.peech P.rotocol for E.vents and E.xtending
   C.ommon H.tml == Speech

Received on Wednesday, 9 November 2011 09:58:11 UTC