[f2f] rough agenda outline


This is a rough outline of our agenda for the face-to-face meeting in  
London.  I will have this up on a more complete logistics page next  

-- dan

Location:  4th floor
Belgrave House
76 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9TQ

0830-0845 Welcome, Introductions, Logistics, Minute takers
0845-0900 Welcome from our host(s)
0900-1000 Working session
1000-1030 Morning break
1030-1150 Working session
1150-1230 Lunch in Cafe Royle (5th floor)
1230-1330 Break, coffee in the Atrium (4th floor)
1330-1530 Working session
1530-1600 Afternoon break
1600-1800 Working session

0830-1000 Working session
1000-1030 Morning break
1030-1150 Working session
1150-1230 Lunch in Cafe Royle (5th floor)
1230-1330 Break, coffee in the Atrium (4th floor)
1330-1530 Working session
1530-1600 Afternoon break
1600-1700 Working session
1700-1800 Wrap-up and next steps

Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 10:01:02 UTC