Re: Chrome beta

Thanks for pointing out Robert. We have added the following correction
to the post now:

"This beta release's Speech API implementation is a prototype of
Google’s proposal to the HTML Speech Incubator Group. The title of the
blogpost has been changed to reflect this. "


On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Robert Brown
<> wrote:
> This is getting a lot of press today (engadget, techcrunch, etc)
> It includes the line: “Fresh from the work that we’ve been doing with the
> HTML Speech Incubator Group, we’ve added support for the HTML5 speech input
> API”
> Unfortunately, the implication here (probably unintended) is that this API a
> product of the XG, which it isn’t.  And the press is interpreting it as the
> “HTML5 Speech API”, which it isn’t.
> Satish, would you mind posting a clarification to the Chrome blog, stating
> something along the lines of “this is a prototype of Google’s proposal to
> the HTML Speech Incubator Group”?
> Thanks.

Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2011 18:13:39 UTC