Agenda for phone meeting

Hi again,

for the formal participants to the Emotion XG [1], the first phone 
meeting will take place on Monday 4 September, 15:00 UTC. Participants 
are usually expected to be present at these monthly phone meetings; if 
you cannot be there, please drop me a note beforehand if possible.

Below, please find the agenda for the meeting. It is sent via the public 
mailing list because the group's proceedings are supposed to be public. 
I will send a separate email to the member-only list with phone number, 
access code, etc.


Best wishes,

Agenda for phone conference on 4 September 2006, 15:00-16:00 UTC
Participants: All registered members of the group
Time: 15:00-16:00 UTC (friendly to US West Coast)
Some local times:

1. Short (1 minute) introductions
   - Who am I? What do I expect from this group?
2. Overview of organisational frame: W3C infrastructure (5 minutes)
   - W3C accounts => access to member-only web space
   - phone meeting + irc system
   - wiki, issue+action tracker
   - use of public vs. member mailing lists
3. Approach to the work of the group (30 minutes)
   - Marc to give short outline of proposed approach [1]
   - Open discussion
   - Actions to take in September
4. Date of next phone meeting
   - Suggested date: Wednesday 4 October
   - Suggested time: 08:00 UTC (friendly to East Asia)

Meeting times should alternate between times friendly to US West Coast 
(e.g., 15:00 UTC) and times friendly to East Asia (e.g., 08:00 UTC). See 
here for some corresponding local times:
5. Any other business

Dr. Marc Schröder, Senior Researcher
DFKI GmbH, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
Here. Now. Real, first-person experience. Am I there to witness it?

Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2006 14:38:32 UTC