Re: ISCRAM Meeting - Your feedback Required


I unfortunately am not able to travel to ISCRAM, even though I know it 
would be an excellent opportunity to meet, and the conference looks 
fabulous. However Guido Vetere of IBM will be there and has had a paper 
accepted for presentation. I hope that he may be able to attend the EIIF 
face-to-face should it occur.

I look forward to our next call.

Best regards,

Rebecca E. Curzon
IBM Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs
Content Manager, On Demand Community; PMP
IBM Corporation, Waltham, MA 
Postal address: 73 Pine Street, Concord, MA 01742-3024
Phone/Fax:  (978) 759-0280    (t/l: 364-6420)      Skype: rebecca.curzon
Rebecca Curzon/Cambridge/IBM@Lotus
IBMers:  Join On Demand Community! Click below.


Renato Iannella <>
public-xg-eiif <>
Chamindra de Silva <>
03/18/2009 11:11 PM
ISCRAM Meeting - Your feedback Required
Sent by:

Dear all, we need to decide (quickly) if we hold a meeting/panel at 
the upcoming ISCRAM Conference:

   6th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis 
Response and Management
   10-13 May 2009
   Göteborg, Sweden

If you are planning to attend ISCRAM this year, can you please respond 
directly back to me and Chamindra so we can make a final decision. 
Please respond by the end of next week. Thanks.

Cheers...  Renato Iannella

Received on Monday, 23 March 2009 02:01:11 UTC