Re: Follow up to NIEM from meeting discussion

Mandana and all

here is the glossary for this work

their jurisdiction seems US,
it would be good to have a conceptual model

is this a standard that we should reference?

following up with Chamindra's assignment today, I have entered a few
additional thougths to the sectin
'standards' and a table that I have not yet managed to paste into the wiki

in summary
we need to define what we consider a standard
and list and analyse the standards that we refer to, in order to identify

i dont know how to make a table in our wiki (maybe will work something out

feel free to amend/correct


On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Gary Berg-Cross <>wrote:

> Mandana  et al,
> Here is a liitle bit more on NIEM 2.0.
> A good site to start is with there Documents and Download page:
> >From there you might go to:
> This has the schemas, which are hard to follow without an XML tool...I
> think the excel version however provides most of what we need.  They
> have a tab for Emergcy Management.  Here's an example of what one sees
> there. We were talking about contact info like telephone numbers.
>  There is an Alarm event that is a type of Activity and has the following
> info.
> extends nc:ActivityType A data type for an alarm event.
> em:AlarmEventCategory   <abstract element, no type>     A kind of alarm
> event.
> Substitutable Elements:
>    + em:AlarmEventCategoryCode apco:AlarmEventCategoryCodeType A kind
> of alarm event.
>    + em:AlarmEventCategoryText nc:TextType     A kind of alarm event.
> em:AlarmEventCallBackTelephoneNumber    nc:TelephoneNumberType  A
> telephone number of the alarm event requestor.
> It would take a few days perhaps to map this spreadsheet of entities
> to things we are taling about.  They have lots, for exampe on
> Organizations, Resoureces and People.  Below is the section on
> Organization.
> --
> Gary Berg-Cross,Ph.D.
> SOCoP Executive Secretary
> Principal, EM&I Semantic Technology
> Potomac, MD
>  301-762-5441
> Organization locxation Relation extends nc:AssociationType      A data type
> for an association between an organization and a location.
> nc:LocationReference    nc:LocationType Details about a physical location.
> nc:OrganizationReference        nc:OrganizationType     A unit which
> conducts
> some sort of business or operations.
>                A data type for a body of people organized for a particular
> purpose.
> Click here for object properties
> Click here for sub-types
> nc:OrganizationAbbreviationText nc:TextType     An abbreviation, acronym,
> or code for an organization name.
> nc:OrganizationActivityText     nc:TextType     An activity that an
> organization is known or thought to be involved with.
> nc:OrganizationBranchName       nc:TextType     A name of the chapter or
> branch
> by which an organization is known within a larger group of
> organizations.
> nc:OrganizationCategory <abstract element, no type>     A kind or
> functional type of organization.
>    Substitutable Elements:
>    + nc:OrganizationCategoryText       nc:TextType     A kind or functional
> type of organization.
>    + j:OrganizationCategoryNCICORIAgencyCode   fbi:ORIAgencyCodeType   A
> functional kind of an organization.
>    + j:OrganizationCategoryNCICTYPOCode        fbi:TYPOCodeType        A
> functional
> kind of an organization.
>    + j:OrganizationCategoryNLETSCode   nlets:OrganizationCategoryCodeType
>    A
> functional kind of an organization.
> nc:OrganizationDayContactInformation    nc:ContactInformationType       A
> means
> of contacting an organization during daytime hours.
> nc:OrganizationDescriptionText  nc:TextType     A description of an
> organization
> nc:OrganizationDoingBusinessAsName      nc:TextType     A name an
> organization
> uses for conducting business.
> nc:OrganizationEmergencyContactInformation      nc:ContactInformationType
>     A
> means of contacting an organization in the event of an emergency.
> nc:OrganizationEstablishedDate  nc:DateType     A date an organization was
> started.
> nc:OrganizationEveningContactInformation        nc:ContactInformationType
>     A
> means of contacting an organization during evening or early night
> hours.
> nc:OrganizationIdentification   nc:IdentificationType   An identification
> that references an organization.
> nc:OrganizationIncorporatedIndicator    niem-xsd:boolean        True if an
> organization is incorporated; false otherwise.
> nc:OrganizationLocalIdentification      nc:IdentificationType   An
> identification assigned at a local level to an organization.
> nc:OrganizationLocation nc:LocationType A location of an organization.
> nc:OrganizationName     nc:TextType     A name of an organization.
> nc:OrganizationNightContactInformation  nc:ContactInformationType       A
> means of contacting an organization during late-night hours.
> nc:OrganizationOtherIdentification      nc:IdentificationType   An
> identification assigned to an organization.
> nc:OrganizationParent   <abstract element, no type>     An entity that
> owns,
> controls, or operates the organization.
>    Substitutable Elements:
>    + nc:OrganizationParentAffiliate    nc:OrganizationType     An
> organization that owns, controls, or operates the organization.
>    + nc:OrganizationParentOrganization nc:OrganizationType     An
> organization that owns, controls, or operates the organization.
> nc:OrganizationPrimaryContactInformation        nc:ContactInformationType
>     A
> preferred means of contacting an organization.
> nc:OrganizationPrincipalOfficial        nc:PersonType   A chief or high
> ranking
> executive of an organization.
> nc:OrganizationStatus   nc:StatusType   A status of an organization.
> nc:OrganizationSubUnit  nc:OrganizationType     A division of an
> organization.
> nc:OrganizationSubUnitName      nc:TextType     A name of a subdivision of
> an
> organization.
> nc:OrganizationTaxIdentification        nc:IdentificationType   A tax
> identification assigned to an organization.
> nc:OrganizationTerminationDate  nc:DateType     A date an organization went
> out of business.
> nc:OrganizationUnitName nc:TextType     A name of a high-level division of
> an organization.
>        extends nc:AssociationType      A data type for an association
> between an
> organization and another organization or unit.
> Click here for object properties
> nc:OrganizationReference        nc:OrganizationType     A unit which
> conducts
> some sort of business or operations.
> nc:OrganizationUnitReference    nc:OrganizationType     A unit of an
> organization.

Paola Di Maio,
IEEE/DEST 09 Collective Intelligence Track (deadline extended)

i-Semantics 2009, 2 - 4 September 2009, Graz, Austria.

SEMAPRO 2009, Malta
Mae Fah Luang Child Protection Project, Chiang Rai Thailand

Received on Thursday, 2 April 2009 16:02:31 UTC