Re: Model update

Carl, before going through that document, would you please point to a few 
concerns you have? For example, LocationTrajectory, that I added for the 
group to decide, or 'space' as oppose to 'space time' or the like ...

Thanks, Mandana.

From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 11:45 AM
To: "Mandana Sotoodeh" <>
Cc: "public-xg-eiif" <>
Subject: Re: Model update

> Mandana -
> Thank you for providing this latest version of the model. Upon review, I
> would strongly encourage this group to look at the Location Work standards
> work that has been completed in the IETF. There are several internet RFCs
> that rigorously define a location object for use in a variety of internet
> standards (such as PIDF, SIP, ECRIT, etc). The location object can contain
> civic and/or geodetic location content. The internet community spent
> several years working these standards in collaboration with OMA, the OGC,
> and the telecommunications industry. Further, the primary use cases were
> derived from emergency services requirements. Finally, these standards
> WILL be required as mandatory in the Next Generation 9-1-1 activity in the
> United States. NG 9-1-1 is all about enhancing the current emergency call
> (911) architecture and implementation to work with the mobile society (IP
> enabled).
> Information on the IETF work can be found at
> and specifically check out RFCs 4079, 4119, and 5139.
> Apologies for jumping into the discussion this way, but I feel that we
> need to try to insure consistency of the expression of location across
> multiple communities and standards activities.
> Regards
> Carl
> > Dear all,
>> Please find attached for the latest changes to the model. The changes are
>> mainly on Location, ContactDetails, and AffectedGroup.
>> Regards,
>> Mandana

Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2008 19:00:27 UTC