Audio Working Group - New Public Mailing List Active

Please note: we recently transitioned from the Audio Incubator Group to the
Audio Working Group. This means that we will be using a new public mailing
list for our email discussions.

I would like to invite you and all the members of the existing Audio
Incubator's mail list to join the new Working Group mail list.

You can browse the new mail archive and subscribe to the new mail list using
the following link:

The new mailing list address is: "".

The old Audio Incubator mail list will still be available for use, however:
we encourage you to join the Audio WG mailing list, where you will be able
to contribute directly to the discussions as we work together to form a
spec. recommendation for an advanced client-side Audio API.

Please also note: the Audio Working Group is using a new Twitter account.

Follow @W3CAudio on Twitter for group updates and reminders:!/w3caudio

If you have any technical problems, please do not hesitate to get in touch
with me on either mailing list, or by direct message to @W3CAudio on

Looking forward to working with you,

Alistair MacDonald

Received on Thursday, 21 April 2011 15:17:16 UTC