Reminder: no Backplane call tomorrow -- pls send SMIL'y thoughts :}

Dear Backplane XG -- just a reminder we're on telecon break for a couple of
weeks until folks are the meantime we're looking to get some more
details by email on how/where to use SMIL in the financial services demo...

The 2nd SVG element (line graph for expenses over time) is about complete
and will be checked into a Ubiquity spike directory in a day or two so
everybody can try it out.  I got tired of wiring in script handlers so I
also added an xf:call element to create a new action that calls JS
functions.  It's probably not legit to put this in the xf namespace and we
can debate the pros/cons of even having it when we meet again, but it's

Thanks, Charlie

Received on Monday, 4 May 2009 21:28:10 UTC