Re: Ubiquity SMIL project [was Re: Minutes 2009-01-13]

On  13-Jan-2009, at 21:58 , Mark Birbeck wrote:

> Hello all,
> I notice in the minutes a reference to creating a JavaScript SMIL
> implementation.
> Can I just flag up that such a library already exists:
>  <>

I'm aware of your Ubiquity-smil project, but the last time I looked at  
it it basically only implemented SMIL Animation. I'll be looking at it  
again in the next week (or two), along with looking at ubiquity itself  
and other promising projects (suggestions welcome!) as I lay out a  
plan for what we'll be doing in the next few months.

My aim is to come end up with a package that has a reasonable subset  
of a full SMIL 3 scheduler, and hopefully be able to use that to  
implement all three of (1) SMIL 3 islands in HTML documents, (2) XHTML 
+SMIL and (3) SMIL Timesheets. But: that's the initial plan, the first  
few weeks will be spent on a feasibility study (and on learning  
JavaScript:-) so there's a good chance that the plan is quite a bit  
more modest in a few weeks time:-)

In my experience, the main headache with a SMIL player is the  
timegraph implementation: this has to be global, it is highly dynamic  
and it has two-way interaction with everything else. But we've  
implemented a couple of those already over the years, so by now we  
have a reasonable idea of what doesn't work:-)
Jack Jansen, <>,
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Received on Tuesday, 13 January 2009 22:23:50 UTC