Re: Call for Workshop Proposals - ICWE 2009: 9th International Conference on Web Engineering

On  8-Jan-2009, at 23:05 , Charles F Wiecha wrote:

> To be more specific...what do others think about:
> 1) Helping to organize the workshop, i.e. serving on the program  
> committee, and
> 2) actually attending, preparing a paper, etc...

Count me in for both (obviously). But as I said previously, for the PC  
I can review and help with all the hard work, but don't expect me to  
be able to pull a handful of speakers (or even places to advertise)  
out of the hat.

Jack Jansen, <>,
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Received on Thursday, 8 January 2009 22:12:51 UTC