Re: Embedded XForms

OK, here is a strawman proposal for embedded XForms, presented as a piece  
of spec text.

It works by passing values to initialise an instance, and the embedded  
form returns values using a submission with method="xforms-return".



The control element

This element embeds an XForm in the current form.

Common Attributes: Control Common

Special attributes:

    Required URL of a resource containing an XForm. This form will be  
embedded within the current form.

    Optional single node expression. The value of this node is used to  
initialise the textually first instance in the embedded form, in the same  
way as a <submit replace="instance"/> would work. If absent, no values are  
passed to the embedded form.

ref (also bind)
    Optional single node binding that indicates the target node to receive  
submissions from the embedded form that use the method 'xforms-return'. It  
may be the same node as that used in the 'initial' attribute. If absent,  
no values are returned from the embedded form (even if it uses submissions  
using 'xforms-return' [which may cause an xforms error of some sort]).

[For the submission element, there is a new method 'xforms-return' that  
returns the values]

[There is an action <renew control="id"/> that causes the initial values  
reference to be copied to the embedded instance again]


<control resource="today.xhtml" label="Today's date:"/>


<output value="now()"/>


<instance id="values">
    <data xmlns="">


<control ref="instance('values')" resource="add.xhtml"  
<output ref="sum"/>
In the subform

    <values xmlns=""/>
<bind ref="sum" calculate="../a + ../b"/>

<submission method="xforms-return"/>


    <data xmlns="">

<instance id="results"/>
<control ref="instance('results')" resource="{testfile}"/>
In test.xml

    <data xmlns="">
<submission ref="results" method="xforms-return"/>

    <testsuite xmlns="">
             <test res="" req="true">1</test>
             <test res="" req="false">0</test>

<repeat ref="testsuite/test">
     <control resource="{filename}" initial="tests" ref="result"/>


in the subform

       <tests xmlns=""/>
    <instance id="result">
       <result xmlns="">
    <submission ref="instance('result')" method="xforms-return"/>


    <locations xmlns="">
       <here x="3498234" y="8734503"/>
       <home x="" y=""/>
       <dest x="" y=""/>
<control ref="home" resource="map.xf" initial="here" label="Please locate  
your home location"/>
<control ref="dest" resource="map.xf" initial="here" label="Please locate  
your destination"/>


<select1 ref="game" label="select a game to play">
   <item label="minesweeper">minesweeper.xml</item>
   <item label="slider">slider.xml</item>
   <item label="noughts and crosses">xox.xml</item>

<control resource="{game}"/>


Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2018 09:33:47 UTC