Re: 9.7 The trigger Element

> However, I'm not convinced by this line of reasoning, for these reasons:
> * <trigger/> and <submit/> are closely related.
> * You can only submit data if it is valid, relevant, and non-empty if
> required.
> * You *can* submit data that is readonly.

True, but the relevance or readonliness of the `<submit>` is not
necessarily related to that of the submission:

    <submission ref="instance('my-data-instance')">

    <submit ref="instance('my-control-instance')/submit">

> I stumbled on this problem when I was writing code like this:
>  <trigger ref="value" label="Add">
>     <insert ref="list" origin="value" ev:event="DOMActivate"/>
>  </trigger>
> clearly I don't want to do anything with 'value' if it is invalid, etc, but
> I have to go to a lot of extra work to disable the trigger in those cases.

It seems to be very specific to this scenario. I can imagine, in a
repeated list, for example, a "copy" button which works to copy data
from one row to the other even if it is invalid.

This said, I am not particularly happy to use `readonly` to disable
controls. I think there has been discussions in the past about this.
The notion that a control is disabled should ideally be separate.
`readonly` could imply `disabled` in some cases. But often I would
like to just write:

    <trigger disabled="some condition here">

or, if `disabled` was a MIP:

    <bind disabled="some condition here">


Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2018 17:08:49 UTC