Summary of elements that carry @value in XForms 2 Re: Issues with respect to <output/> mixed content.

Summary of elements that carry @value in XForms 2

*=exception to the rule "@value overrides element content".

  ELEMENT                 CONTENT

*function/result         Empty
*function/var            Empty

  label                   PCDATA
  hint                    PCDATA
  help                    PCDATA
  alert                   PCDATA

*output                  -
  output/mediatype[D]     EMPTY

*select¹/item            <value/>
  select¹/value           PCDATA
*select¹/itemset         <value/>

  submission/resource[D]  PCDATA
  submission/method[D]    PCDATA
*submission/header       <value/>
  submission/header/name  PCDATA
  submission/header/value PCDATA

  setvalue                PCDATA
  action/param            PCDATA

  toggle/case             PCDATA
  setfocus/control        PCDATA

  dispatch/name[D]        PCDATA
  dispatch/targetid[D]    PCDATA
  dispatch/delay[D]       PCDATA
  dispatch/property       PCDATA

  load/resource[D]        PCDATA
  message                 PCDATA

Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2018 09:55:24 UTC