First attempt at modelling

Dear All,

I have tried my hand at producing a couple of UML models, which I have posted to the wiki at This effort was stimulated by Aswini's question about having a system where one might interrogate a service in order to retrieve appropriate JSON metadata. My thought being that these sorts of use case need to be explored in some sort of commonly understood modelling environment. In this way, we might get a better understanding of what exactly a machine-readable modelling environment would look like that allowed different interoperability scenarios to be implemented easily.

Do have a look and let me know if you think this might be a useful avenue to pursue. If you think it is, then:

a) I could apply for a Community license for the Visual Paradigm software, which is what I used to create the diagrams.

b) we could devote a call to discussing how to create these diagrams.

c) everyone on the group could get a homework to model one use case using the VP tool.

Let me know what you think! And if you think that my SCORM diagrams could be improved on (or supplemented with lower-level diagrams), do download your own evaluation copy of VP, download the editable file from the wiki, and amend as you wish.
In the meantime, I propose that next week's call should focus on producing a better and shorter definition of the group's purpose.


Received on Sunday, 3 May 2015 18:58:24 UTC