Re: WhatTF > EXTF

> > Let's just call it "Project Houdini".  Houdini was an illusionist, not a
> > magician.  He was a great explainer of anything claiming to be 'magic' and
> > belonged to a Scientific American committee which publicly offered a prize
> > to anyone who could demonstrate something supernatural.  The aim of this
> > task force, I think, is to somehow (in the words of the Extensible Web
> > Manifesto) explain (and expose) the underlying magic of the platform and
> > allow extensibility in the one place in the platform which has been
> > historically a little hostile to such ideas.
> >
> Even better, Houdini escaped from boxes. So yes, this is a great idea.

Seems cool, but I feel some problem with "Project Houdini".

First, (I learned from Wikipedia) Harry Houdini is well known to Americans, but not so to others, and it's difficult to explain that "Project Houdini" is related to CSS 'magic' APIs.

Second, the name "Houdini" is used in other places, e.g., it is a 3D animation software, and "Project Houdini" is a computer program used by a U.S. presidential campaign.

So, I think "CSS Houdini" is better, people can understand at least it's CSS related. is also available :)

Shinyu Murakami

Received on Friday, 12 December 2014 08:36:54 UTC