Logotypes in identity signal and additional context information sections

My notes (probably still from the face-to-face) include a remark
that the additional context information displayed should include an
issuer logotype for domain validated certificates, and a subject
logotype for augmented assurance certificates.

So far, we've been careful to make sure that the "additional SCE"
section isn't inconsistent with the identity signal part.  I'd
therefore propose that we drop some of the squre bracket stuff in
the identity signal, and generically say that, if logotypes are
displayed, they are selected as follows:

  Where this specification suggests or mandates the rendering of
  (either audio or visual) logotypes, the logotype is chosen as
      * When the logotype information is derived from an augmented
	assurance certificate, then the subject logotype MUST be
	rendered, if present.
      * Otherwise, when the logotype information is derived from a
	validated certificate, then the issuer logotype MUST be
	rendered, if present.
      Note that an augmented assurance certificate that does not
      include a subject logo will cause the issuer logotype, if
      present, to be rendered.

I have added this language to the "logotype certificates" section of
the specification, and dropped links into the identity signal and
additional SCE parts of the specification.  Note that this does not
pre-judge the still open issue about whether logotypes should be
part of the identity signal at all.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <tlr@w3.org>

Received on Wednesday, 19 March 2008 21:43:39 UTC