ISSUE-163: Make (sure) 9.4 is internally consistent [wsc-xit]

ISSUE-163: Make (sure) 9.4 is internally consistent [wsc-xit]

Raised by: Mary Ellen Zurko
On product: wsc-xit


"Web Sites that require their users to be redirected from an unsecure web page to a secure web page MUST do it as a single step rather than multi-step (redirect to an unsecure page and then redirect again to a secure page). This specification recommends that the web page MUST use direct links to a secure page rather than using redirects."

I'm confused. Isn't the first line in conflict with the second? Doesn't it say you can do something that the second line says you cannot?

Received on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 19:36:42 UTC