
Hello everyone,

My name is Shawn Duffy and I am a Senior Technical Security Engineer
with AOL.  At AOL, my responsibilities include both incident response
and security assurance work.  In the last year, however, my focus has
increasingly shifted toward web application security.  As a result, much
of my work has been centered around analyzing AOL web applications and
developing a web application assessment methodology.

I've been working in the information security industry for approximately
8 years but this is my first W3C working group.  I am currently in the
process of catching up with what I've missed in the last couple months
since I just joined the group last week.  I regret that I was not able
to make the call this morning but I had a prior commitment.  I have,
however, blocked out time each week for this group from here on out.

As I become more familiar with W3C work, I look forward to being able to
contribute as best I can.  And, hopefully, I will see you all in May!

shawn duffy - sduffy at aol dot net
senior technical security engineer | aol operations security
703.265.8273 | AIM: ShawnDuffy1

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2007 20:38:54 UTC