Re: Toward a last call for the Note

On 25-Jun-07, at 9:00 AM, Mary Ellen Zurko wrote:

> I know of no one else that we need review from. Now's the time for  
> everyone else to say who else we need review from. Who else do we  
> need review from?

A suggestion we've made once or twice in the CABForum work, which may  
be equally appropriate here, would be to get someone from the law  
enforcement field (particularly anyone involved in issues of  
electronic crime, internet fraud issues) to give us, if not a formal  
review, at least a bird's eye view of whether these are the kind of  
things that they feel will lead to meaningful improvement or even, if  
we can dare to dream, suggest new features/restrictions they would  
like to see in place.

I've read, for example, that the far and away leading online crime,  
in terms of number of incidents reported and damages (cite lacking,  
sorry...) is auction fraud.  Now, that is arguably outside or scope,  
but it does help cast a certain perspective on our work here, in  
terms of the areas where we can do the most good.

This is a limp suggestion though, since I have no direct contacts  
with the people appropriate to offer this review.  It's possible that  
I/we could reach someone through APWG, but I'm a little reluctant to  
even mention that, since it sounds like volunteering, and I don't  
really have much active participation in the APWG at the moment.

In the meantime then, I welcome anyone else jumping in and saying  
they have a drinking buddy who is the head of the FBI's cybercrime unit.



Johnathan Nightingale
Human Shield

Received on Monday, 25 June 2007 13:25:10 UTC