Process point: I'm lazy

Just wondering about this. In an otherwise excellent post
Rachna said:

 > If you disagree with anything here, please edit the wiki!

That seems to me to require me to disagree twice, and is a pattern
I think I've seen going by. Twice meaning: once editing the wiki
and once replying to the email with some context and a relevant

Notwithstanding the fact that I'm not shy about disagreeing, I
think once is often enough :-) If an email thread peters out,
then that's ok since there's no interest in the counterpoint;
if not, and the criticism sticks, then we all know that
someone should update the wiki, and the original author seems
like fair game then.

But, I've been disengaged for a bit now, and so maybe this has
been working just fine, though it seems like it could create a
masquerade of non-objection as concensus (if you know what I

Thought I'd ask anyway,

Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 00:36:35 UTC