Re: A GRDDL transform from SAWSDL to RDF mapping of WSDL

Hi Fabien, thanks for releasing this, but I'm afraid you're right it's
kind of buggy. 8-)

The first quick look shows that the SAWSDL file you use is a strange
mixture of new and old WSDL elements (1.1 and 2.0), not valid in either
version; the RDF results use some old WSDL-RDF namespace, and in fact
most namespaces are slightly wrong (trailing / that shouldn't be there
in both WSDL and SAWSDL namespaces, for example). Also the component
identifiers are slightly wrong (the XPointer part should be a fragment
ID, i.e. after a # sign, and the xmlns namespace declarations in the
XPointer parts are unnecessary).

I suggest that you could use the files at the SAWSDL test suite [1] to
test the transform; it contains valid WSDL 1.1 and 2.0 files, plain and
annotated with SAWSDL annotations, and an expected RDF form for some of


Looking forward to seeing the next version, and I'll be glad to do some
quick testing on it if you guys want me to. 8-)

Best regards,

On Wed, 2007-11-21 at 15:06 +0100, Fabien Gandon wrote:
> Hello,
> At last, we released this morning a first version of a GRDDL transform 
> from SAWSDL to RDF mapping of WSDL:
> Disclaimer: it is a "pre-alpha release" that needs more tests and if you 
> have SAWSDL data to test it on please do send us a pointer.
> Here is the sample of SAWSDL we use:
> Here is the GRDDL service output for this sample:
> Here is the RDF validation service output when called on the GRDDL 
> service output for this sample:
> Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2007 14:44:54 UTC