CR issue resolutions documented

The current editors' draft includes the resolutions to the following issues

CR Issue 1 that added specific references to the XML Schema component model

CR Issue 4 to remove reference to WSDL 2.0 from abstract and add mentions
of WSDL 1.1 in introduction

CR Issue 5 that removed the reference to the non-existent WSDL attribute
component and clarified WSDL vs. Schema component model statements
thougthout section 4.

CR Issue 6 on propagation of model references and schema mappings in the
WSDL component model

CR issue 7 that delt specifically with propagation in the schema component

CR Issue 8 that removed interface inheritence,

CR Issue 9 that changed the namespace to the short name

That is all of the current CR issues that required spec updates.  The
examples still use the wsdl namespace ""
which is defined in the WSDL CR version.  At this time, should we change
the WSDL namespace we use?  It is only changed in an WSDL editors' copy,
that has no standing.


Received on Thursday, 15 March 2007 19:30:02 UTC