issue 7728: proposal 6

With much, deeply appreciated, help from Asir and Ram, I submit this 
proposal to issue 7728. To be clear, there is at least one area where 
Microsoft and Oracle still disagree about the attached proposal, but I 
think we've moved much closer on our understanding of this issue.

Because of it's size, I have crafted this proposal as a new 
wsmex.xml/wsmex.html pair. All of the (visible) differences are in 
Section 7.2. Should the Working Group accept this proposal, the Editors 
should be able to merge wsmex-7728-6.xml with little difficulty (i.e. 
I've been tracking the changes to wsmex.xml in this proposal)

Please review this proposal and be prepared to discuss it at the F2F.

- gp

Received on Friday, 22 January 2010 23:18:17 UTC