3 Resource Operations

All messages defined by this specification MUST be sent to a Web service that is addressable by an EPR [WS-Addressing].

3.1 Get

This specification defines one Web service operation (Get) for fetching a one-time snapshot of the representation of a resource.

The Get request message MUST be of the following form:

<s:Envelope ...> 

  <s:Header ...>








  <s:Body ...>

    <wst:Get ...>

      xs:any *




The following describes additional, normative constraints on the outline listed above:


This required element MUST contain the value http://www.w3.org/2009/02/ws-tra/Get. If a SOAP Action URI is also present in the underlying transport, its value MUST convey the same value.


Unless an extension specification is in use, tThis REQUIRED element MUST not contain any MAY contain child elements that can be used for extensibility purposes. .

A Get request MUST be targeted at the resource whose representation is desired as described in 2 Terminology and Notation of this specification.

As per the SOAP processing model, other specifications may introduce various types of extensions to the semantics of this message which are enabled through headers tagged with s:mustUnderstand="true". Such extensions may define how resource or subsets of it are to be retrieved or transformed prior to retrieval. Specifications which define such extensions MUST allow processing the basic Get request message without those extensions. Since the response may not be sent to the original sender, extension specifications should consider adding a corresponding SOAP header value in the response to signal to the receiver that the extension is being used.

Implementations may respond with a fault message using the standard fault codes defined in WS-Addressing (e.g., wsa:ActionNotSupported). Other components of the outline above are not further constrained by this specification.

If the resource accepts a Get request, it MUST reply with a response of the following form:

<s:Envelope ...> 

  <s:Header ...>








  <s:Body ...>

    <wst:GetResponse ...>

      xs:any *+




The following describes additional, normative constraints on the outline listed above:


This required element MUST contain the value http://www.w3.org/2009/02/ws-tra/GetResponse. If a SOAP Action URI is also present in the underlying transport, its value MUST convey the same value.


Unless an extension specification is in use, tThis REQUIRED element MUST contain exactly at least one child element - the representation of the resource. The presence of subsequent child elements is service-specific and MAY be controlled by the presence or extension-specific SOAP headers in the original request. .

Other components of the outline above are not further constrained by this specification.

The following shows a sample SOAP envelope containing a Get request:




    xmlns:xxx="http://fabrikam123.example.com/resource-model" >





















The following shows the corresponding response message:




    xmlns:xxx="http://fabrikam123.example.com/resource-model" >

















        <xxx:address>123 Main Street</xxx:address>

        <xxx:city>Manhattan Beach</xxx:city>







In this example, the representation of the resource is the following XML element:



    <xxx:address>123 Main Street</xxx:address>

    <xxx:city>Manhattan Beach</xxx:city>




3.2 Put

This specification defines one Web service operation (Put) for updating a resource by providing a replacement representation. A resource MAY accept updates that provide different XML representations than that returned by the resource; in such a case, the semantics of the update operation is defined by the resource.

The Put request message MUST be of the following form:

<s:Envelope ...> 

  <s:Header ...>









    <wst:Put ...>

      xs:any *+




The following describes additional, normative constraints on the outline listed above:


This required element MUST contain the value http://www.w3.org/2009/02/ws-tra/Put. If a SOAP Action URI is also present in the underlying transport, its value MUST convey the same value.


Unless and extension specification is in use, tThis REQUIRED element MUST contain exactly at least one child element. - the representation to be used for the update. All other children SHOULD be ignored by the service.

A Put request MUST be targeted at the resource whose representation is desired to be replaced, as described in 2 Terminology and Notation of this specification. As per the SOAP processing model, other specifications MAY introduce various types of extensions to this message which are enabled through headers tagged with s:mustUnderstand="true". Such extensions may require that a full or partial update should be accomplished using symbolic, instruction-based, or other methodologies.

Extension specifications MAY also define extensions to the original Put request, enabled by OPTIONAL SOAP headers, which control the nature of the response, as discussed in remarks on the PutResponse below.

Specifications which define any of these extensions MUST allow processing the Put message without such extensions.

In addition to the standard fault codes defined in WS-Addressing, implementations MAY use the fault code wst:InvalidRepresentation if the presented representation is invalid for the target resource. See 5 Faults. Other components of the outline above are not further constrained by this specification.

A successful Put operation updates the current representation associated with the targeted resource.

If the resource accepts a Put request and performs the requested update, it MUST reply with a response of the following form:

<s:Envelope ...> 

  <s:Header ...>








  <s:Body ...>

    <wst:PutResponse ...>

      xs:any *?





This required element MUST contain the value http://www.w3.org/2009/02/ws-tra/PutResponse. If a SOAP Action URI is also present in the underlying transport, its value MUST convey the same value.


Unless an extension specification is in use, tThis REQUIRED element MUST contain no more than at least one child element (the current representation of the resource) if the updated representation differs from the representation sent in the Put request message. The presence of additional child elements which contain other information pertaining to the update is service-specific.

As an optimization and as a service to the requester, this element SHOULD be empty if the updated representation does not differ from the representation sent in the Put request message; that is, if the service accepted the new representation verbatim.

Such a response (an empty wst:PutResponse) implies that the update request was successful in its entirety (assuming no intervening mutating operations are performed). A service MAY return the current representation of the resource as the initial child of the wst:PutResponse element even in this case, however.

Extension specifications MAY define extensions to the original Put request, enabled by OPTIONAL header values, which specifically control the presence, absence, or format of the updated representation or other child elements in the PutResponse in order to optimize the response. In the absence of such headers, the behavior MUST be as described above. Specifications which define any of these extensions MUST allow processing the Put message without such extensions. Since the response may not be sent to the original sender, extension specifications should consider adding a corresponding SOAP header value in the response to signal to the receiver that the extension is being used.

Other components of the outline above are not further constrained by this specification.

The following shows a sample SOAP envelope containing a Put request:




    xmlns:xxx="http://fabrikam123.example.com/resource-model" >





















        <xxx:address>321 Main Street</xxx:address>

        <xxx:city>Manhattan Beach</xxx:city>







The following shows the corresponding response message indicating success:




    xmlns:xxx="http://fabrikam123.example.com/resource-model" >

















3.3 Delete

This specification defines one Web service operation (Delete) for deleting a resource in its entirety.

Extension specifications MAY define extensions to the Delete request, enabled by OPTIONAL header values, which specifically control preconditions for the Delete to succeed and which may control the nature or format of the response. Since the response may not be sent to the original sender, extension specifications should consider adding a corresponding SOAP header value in the response to signal to the receiver that the extension is being used.

The Delete request message MUST be of the following form:

<s:Envelope ...> 

  <s:Header ...>








  <s:Body ...>

    <wst:Delete ...>

      xs:any *




The following describes additional, normative constraints on the outline listed above:


This required element MUST contain the value http://www.w3.org/2009/02/ws-tra/Delete. If a SOAP Action URI is also present in the underlying transport, its value MUST convey the same value.


Unless an extension specification is in use, tThis REQUIRED element MUST NOT MAY contain any child elements that can be used for extensibility purposes.

A Delete request MUST be targeted at the resource to be deleted as described in 2 Terminology and Notation of this specification.

Implementations may respond with a fault message using the standard fault codes defined in WS-Addressing (e.g., wsa:ActionNotSupported). Other components of the outline above are not further constrained by this specification.

A successful Delete operation invalidates the current representation associated with the targeted resource.

If the resource accepts a Delete request, it MUST reply with a response of the following form:

<s:Envelope ...> 

  <s:Header ...>








  <s:Body ...>

    <wst:DeleteResponse ...>

      xs:any *?





This required element MUST contain the value http://www.w3.org/2009/02/ws-tra/DeleteResponse. If a SOAP Action URI is also present in the underlying transport, its value MUST convey the same value.


Unless an extension specification is in use, tThis REQUIRED element MUST NOT MAY contain any a child elements that can be used for extensibility purposes.

Specifications which define extensions for use in the original Delete request which control the format of the response MUST allow processing the Delete message without such extensions.

Other components of the outline above are not further constrained by this specification.

The following shows a sample SOAP envelope containing a Delete request:




    xmlns:xxx="http://fabrikam123.example.com/resource-model" >





















The following shows the corresponding response message indicating success:




    xmlns:xxx="http://fabrikam123.example.com/resource-model" >

















4 Resource Factory Operations

4.1 Create

This specification defines one Web service operation (Create) for creating a resource and providing its initial representation. In some cases, the initial representation MAY constitute the representation of a logical constructor for the resource and may thus differ structurally from the representation returned by Get or the one required by Put. This is because the parameterization requirement for creating a resource is often distinct from the steady-state representation of the resource. Implementations should provide metadata which describes the use of the representation and how it relates to the resource which is created, but such mechanisms are beyond the scope of this specification. The resource factory that receives a Create request will allocate a new resource that is initialized from the presented representation. The new resource will be assigned a service-determined endpoint reference that is returned in the response message.

The Create request message MUST be of the following form:

<s:Envelope ...> 

  <s:Header ...>








  <s:Body ...>

    <wst:Create ...>

      xs:any *




The following describes additional, normative constraints on the outline listed above:


This required element MUST contain the value http://www.w3.org/2009/02/ws-tra/Create. If a SOAP Action URI is also present in the underlying transport, its value MUST convey the same value.


Unless an extension specification is in use, tIf this REQUIRED element MUST contains no more than one children  element then the first-  child MUST be the literal resource representation, a representation of the constructor for the resource, or other instructions for creating the resource. All other children SHOULD be ignored by the service. If this element does not contain any children then the resource will be created using default values.

Extensions specifications MAY also define extensions to the original Create request, enabled by OPTIONAL SOAP headers, which constrain the nature of the response, as discussed in remarks on the CreateResponse below.Similarly, they may require headers which control the interpretation of the wst:Create as part of the resource creation process.

Such specifications MUST also allow processing the Create message without such extensions.

A Create request MUST be targeted at a resource factory capable of creating the desired new resource. This factory is distinct from the resource being created (which by definition does not exist prior to the successful processing of the Create request message).

In addition to the standard fault codes defined in WS-Addressing, implementations MAY use the fault code wst:InvalidRepresentation if the presented representation is invalid for the target resource. See 5 Faults.

Other components of the outline above are not further constrained by this specification.

If the resource factory accepts a Create request, it MUST reply with a response of the following form:

<s:Envelope ...> 

  <s:Header ...>








  <s:Body ...>

    <wst:CreateResponse ...>


      xs:any *?





This required element MUST contain the value http://www.w3.org/2009/02/ws-tra/CreateResponse. If a SOAP Action URI is also present in the underlying transport, its value MUST convey the same value.


Unless an extension specification is in use, tThis REQUIRED element MUST contain at least one child element, but no more than two child elements. The first child element MUST be a , at a minimum, a resource reference (wst:ResourceCreated element) to the newly created resource.

By default, a service MUST also return the current representation of the new resource as the second child of the wst:CreateResponse element if the created representation logically differs from the representation sent in the Create request message. That is, the initial representation is returned if one or more values present in Create message was specifically overridden with a different value during resource creation. If default values are used to complete a resource creation which were not present in the Create message, then this does not constitute a logical difference. The presence of additional child elements which contain other information pertaining to the result of the Create operation is service-specific.

As an optimization and as a service to the requestor, the wst:CreateResponse element of the response message SHOULD be empty, other than the ResourceCreated element, if the created representation does not logically differ from the representation sent in the Create request message; that is, if the service accepted the new representation or creation instructions verbatim. Such a response indicates that the request was completely successful (assuming no intervening mutating operations are performed). A service MAY return the current representation of the resource as the initial second child of the wst:CreateResponse element even in this case, however.

Extension specifications MAY define extensions to the original Create request, enabled by OPTIONAL header values, which specifically control the presence, absence, or format of the initial representation or other child elements in the CreateResponse. These headers MAY override the default behavior if they are marked with s:mustUnderstand="true". In the absence of such OPTIONAL headers, the behavior MUST be as described in the previous paragraphs. Since the response may not be sent to the original sender, extension specifications should consider adding a corresponding SOAP header value in the response to signal to the receiver that the extension is being used.


This required element MUST contain a resource reference for the newly created resource. This resource reference, represented as an endpoint reference as defined in WS-Addressing, MUST identify the resource for future Get, Put, and Delete operations.

Other components of the outline above are not further constrained by this specification.

The following shows a sample SOAP envelope containing a Create request:




    xmlns:xxx="http://fabrikam123.example.com/resource-model" >



















        <xxx:address>123 Main Street</xxx:address>

        <xxx:city>Manhattan Beach</xxx:city>







The following shows the corresponding response message indicating success:





    xmlns:xxx="http://fabrikam123.example.com/resource-model" >























