proposal for issue 6533 (Transfer: Safeness of operations)

The proposal is as follows,
1/ add a paragraph to explain what 'safe' and 'idempotent' means, and the 
impact on operations (like being able to redo a request when there is a 
failure at the underlying protocol level, or using a timeout when that 
information is not available, like UDP packets).

The text might reference
directly or even
or we can come up with our own definitions if needed (that is the main 
point of discussion I guess).

2/ for each resource operation, add a small table with the 
safeness and idempotent properties (and this table would also act as a 
short summary for each paragrahp, so include the values of 
/s:Envelope/s:Header/wsa:Action, for example).


Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras.


Received on Tuesday, 3 March 2009 13:32:25 UTC