RE: issue 6401 - Concrete proposal of using Notification WSDL

Please discard the NotificationWSDL_for_6401-6661_v2.htm submitted in
the previous email and replace it with the attached
NotificationWSDL_for_6401-6661_v2_cor.htm that fixes  several typos
which may cause confusion.
Many thanks,
- Wu Chou.


From: Chou, Wu (Wu) 
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 11:48 PM
To: ''
Cc: 'Bob Freund'
Subject: issue 6401 - Concrete proposal of using Notification WSDL

This is an updated version with more examples of using Notification WSDL
for issue 6401 discussion at F2F.
Many thanks,
- Wu Chou.
Wu Chou | Director |Avaya Labs Research | AVAYA | 233 Mt. Airy Road| Rm.
2D48 | Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 | Voice/Fax: 908-696-5198 / 908-696-5401
| <>  

Received on Friday, 31 July 2009 16:23:11 UTC