[NEW ISSUE] WS-Enumeration - enum size on EnumResponse

When creating new enumerations it can be useful to the client to know 
(prior to receiving the data) how much data will be coming so it can 
allocate the proper space.  To that end, it would be nice if client could 
ask for the EnumerateResponse message to include this information.


Extend the Enumerate request with the stuff in bold:
    <wsen:Enumerate ?>
      <wsen:EndTo>endpoint-reference</wsen:EndTo> ?
      <wsen:Expires>[xs:dateTime | xs:duration]</wsen:Expires> ?
      <wsen:Filter Dialect="xs:anyURI"?> xs:any </wsen:Filter> ?
      <wsen:RequestCount Exact="xs:boolean"?> ?

  when present this element indicates that the client is asking for the
  data source to return the number of data items in the EnumerateResponse 
  When not present the default value is value. If the service doesn't 
  this option then a fault must be generate.
  when present, and set to 'true', this attribute indicates that the data 
source MUST return
  the exact number of items in the filtered enumeration in the 
EnumerateRespones. If an exact count
  can not be determined then a fault must be generated. The default value
  is 'false' - which means the service can choose to estimate the total 
  if that is all it can do.

and the EnumerateResponse with:
    <wsen:EnumerateResponse ?>
      <wsen:Expires>[xs:dateTime | xs:duration]</wsen:Expires> ?
      <wsen:TotalCount Exact="xs:boolean"?> xs:long </wsen:TotalCount> ?

  when present this element indicates the total size of the filtered
  enumeration. This element MUST be present if the RequestCount
  element was on the Enumerate request.
  when present and set to 'true' this element indicates that the total 
count value is
  the exact number of items in the filtered enumeration and not an
  estimate.  The default value is 'false'.

STSM  |  Web Services Architect  |  IBM Software Group
(919) 254-6905  |  IBM T/L 444-6905  |  dug@us.ibm.com

Received on Wednesday, 7 January 2009 16:44:17 UTC