Re: Bug 6463: Attaching Policy to WS-Mex GetMetadata - Marked up proposal

Hi Asir, Hi Katy:
I looked at the example you sent out and I have 2 questions.

1. Look at the snippet below


(53)            Dialect=''

(54)            Identifier=''>

(55)          <mex:MetadataReference>

(56)            <wsa:Address>


(58)            </wsa:Address>

(59)          </mex:MetadataReference>

(60)        </mex:MetadataSection>

Why is the Schema address duplicated?

2.  Do we really need the mex:Metadata wrapper?  Why can't we put the 
mex:MetadataSection (s) directly within
wsa:Metadata ?

All the best, Ashok

Asir Vedamuthu wrote:
> Thanks Katy.
> Here are some initial comments on the proposal.
> >In Example 8-1, a [WS-Addressing] endpoint reference to a service 
> endpoint contains the metadata to allow requesters to issue a 
> GetMetadata request against it
> We are afraid that the proposed Example 8-1 does not provide 
> sufficient protocol binding information to allow requesters to issue a 
> GetMetadata request against a service endpoint. For instance, how can 
> a requester infer what is the version of SOAP? What is the underlying 
> protocol transport?
> We think that the WS-MetadataExchange specification should provide an 
> example that provides sufficient binding information, including 
> policies (to address issue 6463), to bootstrap.
> >As an alternative to using MetadataLocation (lines 08-17), the 
> WS-MetadataExchange WSDL containing the appropriately attached policy 
> could have been embedded directly into the MetadataSection.  The 
> embedded WSDL approach was used in example Example 7.1 to pass 
> metadata in the EPR.
> The description of the alternative sounds right. But, example 7.1 
> describes how to embed service metadata within an EPR. These are two 
> different use cases. It might help to show case an example that 
> illustrates how to embed a bootstrap binding in an EPR and how to 
> attach a policy expression (to address issue 6463) to the bootstrap 
> binding.
> We will be more than happy to work with Katy to prepare a revised 
> proposal.
> Regards,
> Asir S Vedamuthu
> Microsoft Corporation
> *From:* 
> [] *On Behalf Of *Katy Warr
> *Sent:* Monday, December 07, 2009 10:42 AM
> *To:*; Asir Vedamuthu
> *Subject:* Bug 6463: Attaching Policy to WS-Mex GetMetadata - Marked 
> up proposal
> Following my action to create a markup version of the proposal for bug 
>, please find the 
> marked up document attached.  The changes are all in Section 8 (and an 
> example is moved from section 7).
> Asir,
> The difference between your example and my previous one is primarily 
> that you have embedded the WSDL metadata within the EPR, rather than 
> using Policy Attachments.  
> Whilst both approaches work, I believe that we should have a wider 
> variation of examples within the specification in order to illustrate 
> different features and usage scenarios. From my experience, a wide 
> range of examples is of great benefit to developers.  Embedded WSDL is 
> already illustrated in example 7-1.  
> In this particular example (8.1), policy attachments also work very 
> well as it provides a mechanism to associate policy with a single 
> operation without having the whole WSDL included within the EPR.
> As a suggested compromise, I've included the policy attachments 
> example (8-1) in the proposal attached to this mail, but added a 
> detailed explanation below it in order to aid understanding.  I have 
> also added some text to say that the WSDL could be embedded, as an 
> alternative approach.
> Regards
> Katy
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Received on Monday, 14 December 2009 18:25:45 UTC