Re: other wsra docs

On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Doug Davis wrote:

> Yves,
>  how should we manage the 'extra' files (like WSA's:
> )?  Should we just create
> those files in the same dir as the other ones and assume they'll be moved
> during the publication process or should we treat the "edcopies" dir as if
> its a pseudo publication dir and create all of the proper sub-dirs right
> in there?  I'm thinking it would be best to mimic the real dir structure
> in the "edcopies" dir.  What do other group do?

Edcopies are for editors' copies.
I will create snapshots. Btw once we agree on publishing the current 
document, I'll make a pass on those docs to fidlle a bit with prev/latest 
links, and to make cross-links easier to manange.

Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras.


Received on Thursday, 12 February 2009 19:24:07 UTC