Call for Participation: RuleML2012@ECAI

                         CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

              The 6th International Symposium on Rules:
                 Research Based and Industry Focused
               Montpellier, France, August 27-28, 2012.


The 6th RuleML Symposium (RuleML2012) co-located
with The 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2012), is coming up on Monday, August  27th at
Montpellier, France.

This year the symposium has three keynotes (
keynotes): Robert Kowalski (Imperial College), Marie Laure Mugnier
(University of Montpellier II ) and Francois Briant (IBM CAS France). The
technical program includes fourteen high quality papers and  eight short
papers  ( ) covering a variety of topics on
rules including reasoning, markup languages, event processing, business
rules management, and rule-based agents.

In addition to its traditional Doctoral Consortium
( ) and International Rule Challenge
( ), RuleML2012 will host two tracks,
on LegalRuleML and Pragmatic Web.  The detailed program is available at

IMPORTANT: Participants to the RuleML2012 Symposium will get full access to
the ECAI 2012 events. More information at:

We invite you to participate in the symposium and hope it will serve as a
valuable event for both researchers and developers.

Antonis Bikakis and Adrian Giurca
RuleML2012 PC Chairs

Received on Wednesday, 13 June 2012 00:40:03 UTC