Policy to require persisted trace log encryption?

Please bear with a newcomer question/comment and point me to a better
way to question or comment if necessary.

I would expect, rightly or wrongly, that a there would be a policy to require
that a web server handling a web service encrypt all messages for a
particular web service in *traces*. Is this within scope for existing WS-Policy
specifications and is it already handled? Is it part of the WS-Policy scope
to include the conformance requirement that for a certain encryption policy
in a web service the traces too are encrypted? If not then would it not be
the ideal for the scope to be increased to cover this, when such trace logs
are persisted and used for ongoing monitoring in production use?

Best regards

Stephen D. Green

SystML, http://www.systml.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 117 9541606

http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew+22:37 .. and voice

Received on Sunday, 16 March 2008 04:04:57 UTC