Will there be a next version of WS-Policy?

We discussed this briefly in Dublin but AFAIK no decision was reached.
Dave O made the excellent point that if we wanted a next version before 
2 years we should start asap.

Whether or not we want a next version of WS-Policy depends, of course, 
on the requirements we have for vNext and whether these are compelling.  
Looking through Bugzilla, here is what I found:

Issue 3616: Policy Negotiation 
In my view we need to define this better.  Dale Moburg had some ideas 
based on negotiation in ebXML

Issue 3639: Which Policy Alternative was selected 
If intersection yields more than one compatible alternative, which 
alternative is selected for the conversation and how is this 
communicated between the parties?

Issue 4889: Policies depend on message properties
The policy to be applied depends on a property of the message such as 
customer ID.
This comes from a customer requirement

Issue 5045:  Why did intersection fail?
I just added this as a requirement from our product folks.

I may have missed some.  Or there may be others that people have in mind 
but not yet brought forward.  Please think about this, talk to your 
product teams and recommend a course of action.

All the best, Ashok

Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2007 22:02:14 UTC