RE: NEW ISSUE: Confusing use of "policy expression"

> 1) Just drop it. It's really not needed

+1 to the easy option.

Asir S Vedamuthu
Microsoft Corporation

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bijan Parsia
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:48 PM
Subject: NEW ISSUE: Confusing use of "policy expression"

(I guess this is editorial; but I suppose we can retire issues as  
quickly as we raise them :))


Section 1.1 reads:
	The goal of Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework is to provide
mechanisms needed to enable Web services applications to specify  
policy information. Specifically, this specification defines the  

	* An XML Infoset called a policy expression that contains
specific, Web Service policy information.
	* A core set of constructs to indicate how choices and/or  
combinations of domain-specific policy assertions apply in a
	   Web services environment.

Section 2.4:

[Definition: A policy expression is an XML Infoset representation of  
a policy, either in a normal form or in an equivalent compact form. ]

I guess the problem really is in the goals. (I guess I am  
wordsmithing...oh well). A policy expression does contain domain  
specific policy information, but it also contains constructs  
combining domain-specific policy assertions so I'm unclear as to what  
the point is of mentioning the containing domain-specific information  


The goals just seems sloppy, uninformative, and confusing, not to  
mention a bit specific. Either we should drop this section or do  
better. I'm fine with either.


So, there are two alternatives

1) Just drop it. It's really not needed.
2) Improve it. Here's a first cut:

	The goal of Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework is to provide
mechanisms needed to enable Web services applications to specify  
policy information. Specifically, this specification defines the  

	* A framework for domain specific assertions about the
behavior of a Web Service. [I guess it could be any Web Service  
"actor", i.e., client, server, intermediary]
	* A set of operators for combining and otherwise qualifying
specific assertions into policies
	* An XML infoset for the concrete expression of such policies.

(Is there anything else we're trying to accomplish? Frankly, I don't  
see the point of listing "goals" that we trivially accomplish by the  
nature of the spec. This feels more like a table of contents, or a  
guide to parts of the specification.)


Received on Thursday, 20 July 2006 05:35:43 UTC