RE: Usage of wsu:Id and xml:id in the WS Policy XML Schema

Felix, thank you for catching this XML Schema validation issue. Our
preference is c).

> The XML Schema document for the WS-Policy LC WD is not yet 
> updated.

In addition to the XML Schema document, WG should update the Web
Services Policy Namespace document [1]:

a) Update the framework and attachment draft URIs
b) Add a dated version of the XML Schema document for the Last Call
c) Update the 'Stability of this namespace URI' section with modified
content from the framework doc [2] (modified content is related to issue
3617 [3]).

We noticed that readers have to jump through the hoops to locate the
editors' and published version of the XML Schema documents. To encourage
early review of the XML Schema and Namespace documents, we suggest
updating the WG homepage to include URIs to these deliverables (see the
attached HTML document).


Asir S Vedamuthu
Microsoft Corporation

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of David Orchard
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 11:12 AM
Subject: RE: Usage of wsu:Id and xml:id in the WS Policy XML Schema

Option B is awful.
Option A is bad.
Option C is somewhat bad, and the best solution.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Felix Sasaki
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 4:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: Usage of wsu:Id and xml:id in the WS Policy XML Schema
> This mail is based on some offline conversation between Asir, 
> Chris, Paul and me.
> The XML Schema document for the WS-Policy LC WD is not yet 
> updated. The reason is that the latest revision
> sd?rev=1.6
> has a problem with the schema update for the resolution for 
> (enable 
> the usage of
> xml:id):
> If you use xml:id at the <Policy element> in an instance with 
> the current schema, you will get an error. You can't use 
> xml:id, typed as an ID, on an element which has an ID 
> attribute (like wsu:Id) specifically declared for it.
> There are three solutions for the problem:
>   a) publish two flavors of the schema, one with xml:id, one 
> with wsu:Id
>   b) declare two subtypes which are accessible via xsi:type:
> <Policy ... xsi:type="xid-flavor" xml:id="boo" ...> versus <Policy ...
>   xsi:type="wsu-flavor" wsu:id="boo" ...>
>   c) delete the explicit reference to <xs:attribute ref="wsu:Id"/> .
> This would make both xml:id and wsu:Id extensibility points.
> I have a high preference for c), including a note in the WD 
> to warn schema users (don't use other ID attributes than 
> these two), to avoid the confusion created by deleting the 
> explicit reference to <xs:attribute ref="wsu:Id"/>.
> I have not opened an issue on this and not reopened 3560, 
> since the normative text has precedence over the schema 
> anyway. Hopefully we can resolve this without a LC issue.
> Felix

Received on Friday, 8 December 2006 22:14:07 UTC