Collect Interop Results and Build Dashboard

Paul and Chris,

I am reporting on behalf of the editorial team ...

At the webMethods F2F, editors discussed how to collect results and build the dashboard. The process involves the following:

a) Implementers report results
b) Build the dashboard
c) Check it in
d) Update the official page [1] with interop results

Editors discussed the following questions [2]:

e) Where should the implementers post their results?
f) Who is on point for collecting results and building the dashboard? Should we create another role, say dashboard contact, within the editorial team?
g) How often should we build the dashboard? Weekly / Monthly
h) If weekly, what is the deadline for reporting results? When will the dashboard be built?
i) When should the WG publish interop results at the official location [1]?

To avoid any middle men tasks and any errors therein, Felix mentioned that W3C is okay to grant CVS read and write access to the results sub directory to interop participants. They can directly check in the results into CVS.

If there is new data, editors suggest building the dashboard on a weekly basis (say the day before the WG conference call).

Regarding when should the WG publish interop results at the official location, Felix and the editors recommend placing an HTTP redirect at the official location to the dashboard [3]. As the WG executive, you may have a different plan on how and when to update the official location.

Regarding who should build the dashboard and check it in, the editorial team is overloaded. The editorial team lost an editor and the workload is increasing. In reality, two folks are optimal to run the task. They should do it on an ongoing basis and be aware of the history of the data and format. Editors concluded that chairs would be ideal to handle that task.

Can the chairs be the point person? Is that Chris?



Asir S Vedamuthu
Microsoft Corporation

Received on Thursday, 15 March 2007 23:27:34 UTC