WS-Policy-Editors Call Minutes 2007-03-07

(1) The draft minutes from today's editors call are at


The title needs to be corrected.

(2) Administrative

F2F Editors meetings:
Wed 14th March during lunch
Thur 15th March 3pm , regrets from Toufic and Maryann for this  
session (but not Wed).
Chair Asir, Scribe Maryann and Prasad, Reporter of this call to F2F:  

This teleconference time and schedule will not be changed.

(3) EI draft

David Orchard will deliver EI draft incorporating AI 177 and 178 by  
end of day tomorrow (Thur 8 March)
Maryann will deliver to work group Friday 9 March

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2007 19:56:55 UTC